

大統領就任式:テーマは"America United"


バイデン陣営は、就任式のテーマを“America United”に決定したと発表しました。

President-elect Joe Biden’s theme for his inauguration will be “America United,” his transition team announced Monday.

“At a time of unprecedented crisis and deep divisions, America United reflects the beginning of a new national journey that restores the soul of America, brings the country together, and creates a path to a brighter future,” a statement from the transition team read.


“This inauguration marks a new chapter for the American people — one of healing, of unifying, of coming together, of an America united. It is time to turn the page on this era of division.

“The inaugural activities will reflect our shared values and serve as a reminder that we are stronger together than we are apart, just as our motto ‘e pluribus unum’ reminds us — out of many, one,” Biden inauguration CEO Tony Allen said in a statement.
(Emily Jacobs. Joe Biden announces ‘America United’ as inauguration theme. New York Post. January 11, 2021.)

“America United”を訳すならば、団結したアメリカ、ひとつにまとまったアメリカ、といったところでしょうか。

国名のUnited States of Americaそのままではないか、という気もしますが、先週発生した連邦議事堂での暴動にも象徴されるように、かつてない程までに米国は分断されている中、“America United”が意味するところは単なる表面的なものに留まらないものがあるように思われます。



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