






At the height of the Great Resignation last year, it didn’t take much for most workers to quit their jobs for greener pastures. Whether or not they regretted it, things look much different today. 

In a shakier economy—replete with layoffs across sectors and recession fears—more people are staying put, even if they’re unhappy. That phenomenon has led to the coining of yet another new workplace buzzword: resenteeism.

Dubbed “the natural successor to quiet quitting” by Glamour UK’s Bianca London, resenteeism describes the act of staying in an unsatisfying job due to a perceived lack of better options or fear of job insecurity. A worker in those circumstances begins to actively resent their current workplace and often doesn’t do a great job of hiding it. 
(Jane Thier. ‘Resenteeism’ is the latest trend plaguing workers, and it’s even more dangerous than quiet quitting. Fortune. February 6, 2023.)

 パンデミック下、リモートワークが主流となる中で、職務遂行は必要最小限に留め、その分、自分自身の生活のために時間を有効活用しようとする人々が増え、"quiet quitting"と呼ばれるようになりました。




Resenteeism is a spin on “presenteeism,” which describes employees showing up—or logging on to Slack or Teams—just for the sake of appearing to be doing work. In the case of resenteeism, workers are less subtle about their apathy or outright frustration, and that attitude is likely to spread around the office just as much as presenteeism could. Such low morale can decrease productivity and create more conflict.

上に出てくる"presenteeism"は、パンデミック下でみられるようになった"digital presenteeism"のことを言っていますが、こうした術語も時代や情報技術の変遷を経て意味合いが変わってくるという一例かと思います。

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