

house on fire

"house on fire"という表現をご存知でしょうか?


The US Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit against Amazon, claiming that its in-app purchasing system wrongly charged consumers millions of dollars – and that Bezos & Co knew about the problem and did nothing to rectify it.

"As internal emails uncovered in our investigation reveal, immediately after Amazon introduced in-app charges its own employees advised that Amazon was 'clearly causing problems for a large percentage of our customers,' even referring to the problems as 'near house on fire,'" FTC consumer protection director Jessica Rich told a press conference on Thursday.

"That happened in December 2011, right after Amazon started in-app charges. According to the complaint even seven months later Amazon employees again discussed the 'house on fire' situation. For years, despite this very real consumer issue Amazon also allowed children to run up unlimited charges without their parent's knowledge or permission."
(Iain Thompson. FTC sues 'house on fire' Amazon over kids' in-app charges totaling 'millions of dollars.' The Register. July 10, 2014.)

Amazonが自社アプリケーション(恐らくゲームの類だと思うのですが)で、アプリ内のアイテム等の購入(in-app purchasing)を子供が親の同意なしに勝手にできるような仕組みにしていたとして、アメリカの当局から訴えられているというニュースです。


さて、今日の表現、"house on fire"ですが、引用部分を解釈するに、Amazonは利用者からの苦情を受けて、"(near) house on fire"であるという認識があった、ということのようです。


ところで、"house on fire"を辞書で引くと、この慣用句には様々な意味があるようです。




When I meet someone like Eric or Brad -- two serious and good actors -- who are modest men and proper men, we get on like a house on fire.
(Chicago Sun Times. 2004.)


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