



(CNN) — A television station in Rochester, New York, fired a meteorologist Sunday after he used a racial slur on air.

During WHEC-TV's Friday evening broadcast, Jeremy Kappell said "Martin Luther Coon Park," when referring to a downtown Rochester park named after slain civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King Jr.

In a video viewed by CNN, Kappell says "King" immediately after using the slur and continues with the broadcast.

Kappell said his use of the slur was a mistake caused by speaking too quickly.
(Amir Vera. New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air. CNN. January 9, 2019.)

気象予報士の男性による問題発言は、"Martin Luther Coon Park"という部分ということなのですが、"coon"の意味を知らないと何が差別なのか分かりません。

男性キャスターは早口のために口が滑ったと釈明しているそうですが、有名な黒人活動家であるMartin Luther Kingを"Martin Luther Coon"と言い間違えるというのは、どうなんでしょうか。


また、American Heritage Dictionaryにはやや長い語源解説があり、以下のように説明されています。

...perhaps after Zip Coon, an African American character (depicted as an upstart freeman) in the song “Zip Coon” frequently sung in 19th-century blackface minstrel shows (the character perhaps being so named in reference to the black facial mask of the raccoon and to the practice of hunting and eating raccoons frequently mentioned in minstrel show songs), possibly influenced by 19th-century slang coon, rural white American (often one of modest means and opposed to the slave-owning Southern establishment), fellow, so called in reference to the association of coonskin with American frontiersmen...
(American Heritage Dictionary)


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