

David vs. Goliath



A vast invading army under the command of an autocrat … a much smaller country under siege, its leader refusing to flee. The world is focused on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is leading a defiant nation in this David vs. Goliath battle against Russia's Vladimir Putin.

Correspondent Mo Rocca asked Steve Leder, senior rabbi of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles, "When it was clear that Zelensky was staying, what did you think?"

"I thought he's a leader," he replied. "He's a David, and Putin is a coward.

"We have elderly Ukrainian women making Molotov cocktails in their basement. If that's not a David & Goliath story, I don't know what is."
(Ukraine vs. Russia: A modern-day David vs. Goliath story. CBS News. March 6, 2022.)







In the Biblical story of David and Goliath, the Israelites are outmatched by the Philistines and the giant Goliath. Only a shepherd boy named David, armed with a sling and five smooth stones, is willing to challenge Goliath.

With a single shot he fells the giant, and the Philistines flee.

Leder said, "Every one of us at one point or another has faced frightening odds. There are many stories like this where a powerful narcissist – a bully, frankly – ends up being crushed under the weight of his own demagoguery and his own narcissism."

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