

keep one’s card close




The Biden administration provided few details about President Biden's nearly two-hour video call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday following the talks, leaving more questions than answers about where things stand between the two nations amid rising tensions over China's cozy relationship with Russia.

The Biden administration said publicly leading up to the call that China would face "consequences" if it extends a lifeline to the Kremlin, but it has been careful not to utter the word "sanctions" or describe what those consequences might be.

Following the call, the White House remained mum on whether sanctions could be on the table for China if Beijing directly helps Russia in its assault on Ukraine, or not.

Call readouts tend to be brief and include veiled language, but the Biden administration is holding its cards close so far about how the discussion went between the leaders of the world's two largest economies.
(Breck Dumas. White House holds its cards close about Biden's call with Xi. Fox Business. March 19, 2022.)


the Biden administration is holding its cards close so far about how the discussion went between the leaders


ここでの"hold its cards close"というのは恐らくトランプのゲームになぞらえて、自らのカード(手の内)を隠す、という意味だと想像がつくのですが、このフレーズを辞書に求めると、

hold one’s cards close to the chest


hold one’s cards close to the vest



つまり、"keep one’s cards close"においては、"close"の意味するところは「隠す」です。

一方、"keep one’s cards close to the chest"(あるいは、to the vest)における"close (to)"は「〜に近く、〜に密接して」という意味であると解釈されます。(カードを胸元に引き寄せて見えないように隠す、という結果では同じですが。)

Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでは"close to the vest"は以下のように定義されています。

close to the vest
in a reserved or cautious manner
She tends to keep her opinions close to the vest.

色々調べてみましたが、"keep one’s cards close"と"keep one’s cards close to the chest"というフレーズが異なるものという典拠はありませんでした。

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