US Senate Democrats have failed to pass a bill to make the right to abortion a federal law, as the nation's top court is poised to curtail it.
The move, meant to counter the Supreme Court's expected ruling that abortions can be banned, was seen as doomed from the start.
The Democrat-led House passed the bill, but it failed 49-51 in the Senate.
Votes were closely watched as abortion emerges as a flashpoint ahead of this year's midterm elections.
(US Democrats' bid for federal abortion law fails in the Senate. BBC News. May 11, 2022.)
abortion emerges as a flashpoint ahead of this year's midterm elections
一触即発などとも言いますが、大きな変化をもたらしかねない状況、その転換点を指すのが"flashpoint"です。(偶然ですが、昨日取り上げた"tipping point"と意味合いが近いです。)
Immigration is increasingly a flashpoint American politics…
(Seattle Times, 2019)
The world will be watching intently. Sandwiched between capitalist South Korea, where the U.S. maintains a force of nearly 28,000 troops, and officially communist China, nuclear-armed North Korea is a potential flashpoint.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution, 2010)
Today, the Jewish settlers are well entrenched in Hebron, a city of about 100,000 Palestinians that has a long history of being a flashpoint in the Arab-Jewish conflict.
(Washington Post, 1993)
なお、引用した記事では一単語となっていますが、"flash point"というようにスペースが入った複合名詞の場合もあります。手元の辞書のエントリではこのパターンでした。
また、flashing pointとも言うようです。
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