

keep one’s arms around


More cases of a rare disease have been reported worldwide, including in the United States -- where one health official said he expects more cases in the days ahead.

As of Saturday, 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases of monkeypox were under investigation in 12 countries, the World Health Organization said in a news release. 


Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House Covid-19 response coordinator, told ABC he wouldn't be surprised if the US saw "a few more" cases of monkeypox in the coming days.


"It's not as contagious as Covid. So I am confident we're going to be able to keep our arms around it," Jha said. "But we'll track it very closely and use the tools we have to make sure we can continue to prevent further spread and take care of the people who get infected."
(Holly Yan. More than 100 confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox have been reported in 12 countries, including the US. CNN. May 22, 2022.)



we're going to be able to keep our arms around it


"keep our arms around"というフレーズの意味するところは、恐らくit(ここではサル痘)を抑え込む、というような意味合いだと思われます。

両腕を拡げて内側に囲い込むようなイメージでしょうか。恐らく慣用句の類だと思うのですが、"keep one’s arms around"という表現を取り上げている辞書は見当たりません。小生がよく参考にしているCollins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsにも載っていませんでした。



We're going to keep this sport under control. We are going to keep our arms around it.
(CNN, 2007)

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