その表現というのが、"long game"というものです。一見スルーしてしまいそうですが、何と訳すのが適当でしょうか?
"So this is not about long game," she said. "We played a long game. We won Roe v. Wade a long time ago, we voted to protect it over time. We have elected a Democratic House of Representatives that is pro-choice. Again, you have the 60 vote thing in the Senate and lack of clarity on top – part of some of the Republicans who say they’re pro-choice and then voted against a woman's right to choose."
(Jessica Chasmar. Pelosi says ‘creature’ Trump made Supreme Court ‘dangerous,’ ‘anti-freedom’. Fox News. May 15, 2022.)
いきなり、"long game"と出てくると分かりにくいですが、実のところこのペロシ氏の発言はCNNのアンカーとのやり取りの一部であり、アンカーのDana Bash氏のコメントで"long game"という表現が出てくるので、それに応える形で出てきたものです。
CNNアンカーのDana Bash氏のコメントは、CNNのニュース映像で確認できます。以下、文字起こししてみました。(不正確な部分があるかも知れません。)
Many Democrats are angry, I know you are one of them... a lot of people in the grass roots are despondent of this draft ruling, one reason why they’re upset is because conservatives have played the long game here, you know this. They have said over and over for decades that this was their goal, to overturn Roe v. Wade, and that Democratic leaders should have seen this coming. I’m sure you’ve heard this, too.
conservatives have played the long game here
"long game"とは、共和党がRoe v. Wade判決を覆すために周到な準備を行なってきた、ということを言っているものと思われます。
"long game"を辞書で引いてみましたが、しっくりとくる訳語は見当たりません。
ゴルフの用語として、打球の飛距離が勝敗を左右するようなゲームや局面のことを言うそうですが、小生はゴルフをやらないせいか、いまいちピンと来ません。(逆に、飛距離ではなく、パットなどの短い距離の打球が重要となるゲームは"short game"というそうです。)
If an investor has a "long position," it means that they own or have accumulated securities, goods, or commodities in anticipation of a rise in prices. Such a person is sometimes referred to as a long.
Golfers will know long game as the term for the phase of golf in which placement of long shots, such as drives, is important.
最後に、Urban Dictionaryの定義が分かりやすかったので引用します。
playing the long game
The saying playing the long game refers to active participation in achieving goals which may take some time.
Susan knew that all she had to do was wait and watch, and eventually her cruel boss would do something so bad she'd be able to report him. She was good at playing the long game.
添えられた例文がまた分かりやすいと思ったのですが、果実を得るために時間をかけて取り組むのが"playing a long game"である、と言えるかと思います。
アンカーが、共和党はRoev. Wade判決を覆すべく何十年間にも渡って(したたかに)準備を進めてきた(play the long game)、それに対して民主党は何をしてきたのか、と暗に批判を込めたのに対し、ペロシ氏は民主党こそが1970年代にRoe判決で女性の妊娠中絶の権利を勝ち取り、"long game"をしてきたのだ、と返したという格好でしょうか。
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