



There are some people who are serious about their chocolate--and one scientific team is definitely in this category. Researchers have conducted an X-ray study that may lead to improvements in the quality of chocolate.

When making chocolate, a fat bloom can occur. This is an unwelcome white layer that occasionally forms on chocolate. It can be created when liquid fats, such as cocoa butter, migrate through the chocolate to the surface and crystallize there. This can occur when liquid chocolate cools down in an uncontrolled manner and unstable crystal forms. Even at room temperature, though, a quarter of the lipids contained in chocolate are already in a liquid state.
(Catherine Griffin. Scientists X-ray Chocolate to Improve the Sweet Dessert. Science World Report. May 6, 2015.)

文中に出てくる、"fat bloom"という単語が気になりました。


"bloom"を辞書で引いてみると、カタカナで“ブルーム”とあり、チーズの表面の白いカビの膜、チョコレートの表面に出る脂肪や砂糖の結晶からなる灰白色の粉、という説明があり、納得しました。Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでは、"a grayish discoloration on chocolate"と定義があります。



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