

beyond the pale


Black Lives Matterのテキストは大通りいっぱいに大書されるものから、シャツやキャップ帽、新型コロナウィルス感染防止のマスク、等々、至るところで控えめながら(!?)主張しています。


Whole Foodsというスーパーマーケットチェーンで発生している事例では従業員による集団訴訟に発展しているという報道があります。

The federal lawsuit says the firm discriminated against black staff by selectively enforcing its dress code.

Whole Foods, owned by tech giant Amazon, forbids staff from wearing clothes with messages that are not company-related.

It denied firing a worker over the issue, but would not comment on the legal action.


The lawsuit says more than 40 Whole Foods employees at locations across the country have been punished for wearing the Black Lives Matter masks, which became popular amid the outcry over George Floyd's death at the hands of police.
(Amazon-owned firm in Black Lives Matter legal claim. BBC News. July 21, 2020.)

このWhole Foodsでの事例では、解雇されたことを不服として従業員が訴えを起こしているものですが、会社側は解雇はBLM運動への参加とは関係なく、従業員の度重なる勤務不良に基づくものであると主張しているようです。

In a statement, Whole Foods denied that claim, saying the employee, Savannah Kinzer, had been dismissed for "repeatedly violating our time and attendance policy by not working her assigned shifts, reporting late for work multiple times in the past nine days and choosing to leave during her scheduled shifts.


Shannon Liss-Riordan, the lawyer representing the workers, said the firm was "falsely attacking" Ms Kinzer.

"Their decision to retaliate against employees expressing support for this racial justice movement was bad enough, but their efforts to disparage an amazing activist and leader are beyond the pale," she said. "We look forward to making our argument in federal court."



"Their decision to retaliate against employees expressing support for this racial justice movement was bad enough, but their efforts to disparage an amazing activist and leader are beyond the pale,"


この"beyond the pale"という表現を知らなかったのですが、これは「常軌を逸している」、とか「妥当性の限界を超えている」、という意味だそうです。


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