

off the hook

ロシア疑惑で訴追され禁固40か月の判決が出ていたRoger Stone氏が恩赦の恵に浴したという記事を読みました。トランプ氏のお蔭です。

(CNN) — President Donald Trump on Friday commuted the prison sentence of his longtime friend Roger Stone, who was convicted of crimes that included lying to Congress in part, prosecutors said, to protect the President. The announcement came just days before Stone was set to report to a federal prison in Georgia.
(Trump commutes Roger Stone's sentence. CNN. July 11, 2020.)

CNNの記事だったのですが、その中で"off the hook"という表現が使われていました。


仕方ないので色々検索してみますと、この件に関して"off the hook"という表現を使っている記事はちらほら見られます。

It may have been legal for President Donald Trump to spare a political crony from prison time, but it was clearly unethical and arguably corrupt.

Roger Stone, the Republican loud mouth, was convicted by a federal jury of lying to Congress in an unsuccessful effort to deter an investigation into Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Stone was just about to start serving a 40-month prison sentence when Trump commuted his longtime confidant's sentence, a mercy for which Stone openly lobbied.

The commutation, though, doesn't erase Stone's felony conviction. He will still have to wear that stain.

Letting him off the hook adds another mark as well against the president, whose disregard for justice and for propriety seem boundless.
(Trump lets crony off the hook. Commonwealth. July 14, 2020.)

"off the hook"を辞書で引くと、



トランプ氏とRoger Stone氏は親しい間柄、同好の士、といった関係のようですが、2016年の大統領選におけるロシアの介入(いわゆるロシア疑惑)を巡って、Stone氏は虚偽証言や司法妨害などの罪で訴追されていました。

“hook”というと鉤針を想起します。魚釣りの針などは引っ掛かってしまうと容易には取れない仕掛けになっており、故に“off the hook”が、ややこしい状況、窮地から脱するというような意味になることは納得がいきます。


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