mosquito magnet
Mosquitoes love Kim Zarins. The insects’ preference for Zarins, an English professor at Sacramento State University, is so extreme that her 18-year-old son likes her to come outside with him because she serves as a decoy and “he knows he’ll be safe,” Zarins says.
Now mosquito magnets like Zarins are helping scientists pinpoint what entices these thirsty bloodsuckers. Along the way, there’s new hope for relief.
(Connie Chang. You really are a mosquito magnet. Here’s what you can do about it. National Geographic. June 16, 2023.)
"mosquito magnet"とは面白い言い回しです。マグネット(magnet)は磁石のことで、金属(鉄)を引き寄せるのはご存知の通りです。
つまり、"mosquito magnet"とは蚊を寄せ付ける人、言い換えると蚊に狙われ易い人、ということになります。
Like Colorado, the Sunshine State is a tourist magnet…
(Minneapolis Star Tribune, 2018)
Frank was a people magnet (especially female people)…
(Southwest Review, 2009)
The EC is a financial and political magnet for the entire continent, especially the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe.
(Christian Science Monitor, 1992)
The most popular jump site in the United States is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, a suicide magnet for people all over the country.
(The Stranger, 2012)
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