

naughty bits



TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A Florida charter school principal has been forced to resign after a parent complained sixth graders were exposed to pornography during a lesson on Renaissance art that included Michelangelo’s “David” sculpture.

The Tallahassee Democrat reported that the principal, Hope Carrasquilla, of Tallahassee Classical School resigned this week after an ultimatum from the school board’s chairman.
(Principal resigns after complaints on ‘David’ statue nudity. The Associated Press. March 25, 2023.)




Perhaps students, even in elementary school, know the difference between Renaissance art and porn — and if they don’t, maybe lessons like this will teach them that difference. The purpose here is to educate the children and, unfortunately, some facts sometimes make some people squeamish.

Sorry, but they’ll get over it.

But we’ll never see everyone agree in matters of taste. Many TV news reports picked up the Democrat’s story about Tallahassee Classical — but digitally blurred out the naught bits, or cropped photos of David so’s not to make anybody blush.
(Bill Cotterell. A David vs. Goliath clash of artistic taste and parental choice. Tallahassee Democrat. March 26, 2023.)

若きダビデの筋骨逞しい彫像で特に保護者が反応(!?)したのは"naught bits"のようです。

"naught bits"とは陰部(生殖器)を指す婉曲表現で、どちらかというと、"naughty bits"と表現することが多いです。(*)


私の手元に昔購入したOxford Dictionary of Euphemisms (R.W. Holder, 1996) があるのですが、その表紙に使われている絵がまさしくダビデ像のそれで、問題の部分(the naughty bits)は葉っぱで隠されているというものです。婉曲表現(euphemism)の何たるかを表した表紙と言えます。

そのDictionary of Euphemismsの中で、"naughty bits"の説明には、

naughty bits (the)
the male or female genitalia.
A usage of adults with children which makes a number of unmerited assumptions and might even implant unfortunate inhibitions.



* "naughty"という形容詞には特に子供がいたずら好きな、わんぱくな、という意味がありますが、ふしだらとか、みだらな、卑猥な、という意味もあり、"naughty bits"は後者の意味合いが強いようです。一方、"naught"ですが、ゼロ(0)、無の意味ですが、かつては無価値、無用といった意味があり、そこから、よこしまな、とか邪悪な、という意味でも使われていたようですので、"naught bits"でも、"naughty bits"でもまあ同じことかとも思われます。

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