You meet someone new on a dating app., then take the conversation to text messages. Things are going well, and you send a picture of the sunrise one morning. Harmless, right? Boom! You may have just given away your exact location.
Our tech stores all kinds of tidbits about where we are, what we’re doing, when we’re doing it, you name it. Suspect someone is cheating? Tech leaves those breadcrumbs, too.
Our apps and services are tracking where we are, too. You can put a stop to that.
(Kim Komando. Most people make this major mistake sharing photos. Fox News. April 30, 2023.)
Tech leaves those breadcrumbs, too.
グーグル検索しますと、Collins Dictionaryのサイトに以下のような定義がありました。
a navigational aid which allows a person viewing a web page to see the various levels within the website's hierarchical structure through which he or she has navigated
日本語では「パンくずリスト」と呼ばれているそうなのですが、ウェブサイトなどを閲覧している時に、今見ているウェブページがサイトのどの位置(階層)に位置しているかを明示したものを"breadcrumb"と言うそうです。馴染みのあるものとしては、例えば、「ホームページ > (第1階層) > (第2階層)...」といった具合に、">"のシンボルで示される類の情報です。
ところが、Collins Dictionaryのサイトによれば、このような意味はグリム童話の「ヘンゼルとグレーテル」のお話しから来ていると補足説明があります。
情報システム、また情報セキュリティのコンテクストで検索してみますと、"digital breadcrumb"という表現が使われているものが目に留まりました。
It may seem harmless, but when you enter your email, you’re sharing a lot more than just that. I’m hoping this column, which includes some workarounds, persuades you to think twice before handing over your email address.
First, it helps to know why companies want email addresses. To advertisers, web publishers and app makers, your email is important not just for contacting you. It acts as a digital bread crumb for companies to link your activity across sites and apps to serve you relevant ads.
(Brian X Chen. Everyone Wants Your Email Address. Think Twice Before Sharing It. New York Times. January 25, 2023.)
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