昨日に引き続き2019年の「今年の単語」(Word of the Year)なのですが、昨日取り上げたのはMerriam-Webster Dictionaryのもので、他にもOxfordや他のサイトなどが独自に「今年の単語」を取り上げているのはご存知の通りです。
If this year has left you in the midst of an existential crisis – you’re not alone. Apparently, enough people are in the throes of contemplating human existence that Dictionary.com proclaimed “existential” as its 2019 "word of the year."
The choice to go with "existential" — which is defined by the site as “of or relating to existence; or, relating to, or characteristic of philosophical existentialism; concerned with the nature of human existence as determined by the individual’s freely made choices” — reportedly plays on the multitude of fears and concerns plaguing society in 2019: climate change, politics and mass shootings, among others.
(Alexandra Deabler. 'Existential,' 'Climate Emergency' chosen as Words of the Year. Fox News. December 2, 2019.)
今年の単語 ― they
ところでMerriam-Webster Dictionaryが毎年発表する今年の単語(Word of the Year)ですが、2019年は"they"という代名詞が選出されました。
単なる代名詞の1つである"they"がこれほどまでに取り上げられることになったのは、辞書の権威でもあるMerriam-Webster Dictionaryが、本来複数形であるはずの代名詞を、単数の代名詞として用いられる用法を認めたからにほかなりません。
The small but mighty personal pronoun “they” has been declared the 2019 Word of the Year by Merriam-Webster, officials announced Tuesday.
“They” won the top spot on the annual, data-driven list after receiving a 313-percent search increase on the dictionary publisher’s website in comparison with 2018, the Associated Press reports.
In September, Merriam-Webster expanded the definition of “they” as relating to a person whose gender identity is non-binary. Weeks later, the American Psychological Association recognized “they” as a singular third-person pronoun in its latest scholarly writing style guide.
(Janine Puhak. 'They' declared 2019 'word of the year' by Merriam-Webster. Fox News. December 10, 2019.)
生物学上の性である男女と結びつく、"he"、や"she"を避け、"they"という代名詞の方を好んで使用する用法が増加しました。その傾向を受けてか、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryのウェブサイトにおける"they"の検索件数が2018年に比べて急増したそうです。
used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary
ところでMerriam-Webster Dictionaryが毎年発表する今年の単語(Word of the Year)ですが、2019年は"they"という代名詞が選出されました。
単なる代名詞の1つである"they"がこれほどまでに取り上げられることになったのは、辞書の権威でもあるMerriam-Webster Dictionaryが、本来複数形であるはずの代名詞を、単数の代名詞として用いられる用法を認めたからにほかなりません。
The small but mighty personal pronoun “they” has been declared the 2019 Word of the Year by Merriam-Webster, officials announced Tuesday.
“They” won the top spot on the annual, data-driven list after receiving a 313-percent search increase on the dictionary publisher’s website in comparison with 2018, the Associated Press reports.
In September, Merriam-Webster expanded the definition of “they” as relating to a person whose gender identity is non-binary. Weeks later, the American Psychological Association recognized “they” as a singular third-person pronoun in its latest scholarly writing style guide.
(Janine Puhak. 'They' declared 2019 'word of the year' by Merriam-Webster. Fox News. December 10, 2019.)
生物学上の性である男女と結びつく、"he"、や"she"を避け、"they"という代名詞の方を好んで使用する用法が増加しました。その傾向を受けてか、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryのウェブサイトにおける"they"の検索件数が2018年に比べて急増したそうです。
used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary
food coma
"food coma"という表現をご存知でしょうか?
The wave of tiredness that makes your eyelids droop and brain fade, right when you're meant to be entertaining friends and family.
It's the postprandial dip, and if it's an extreme one you might call it a "food coma".
If it happens after lunch at work, an afternoon coffee or stroll around the block should be enough to get you back up and running.
(Jo Khan. 'Food coma' after a big Christmas lunch is just your body's way of processing a large meal. ABC News. December 25, 2019.)
お読みいただくとお分かりのように、"food coma"というのはお腹一杯食べた後眠くなることを指す、やや滑稽な表現です。
本文中では、"postprandial dip"とも表現されていますが、"postprandial somnolence"などとも表現されます。
The wave of tiredness that makes your eyelids droop and brain fade, right when you're meant to be entertaining friends and family.
It's the postprandial dip, and if it's an extreme one you might call it a "food coma".
If it happens after lunch at work, an afternoon coffee or stroll around the block should be enough to get you back up and running.
(Jo Khan. 'Food coma' after a big Christmas lunch is just your body's way of processing a large meal. ABC News. December 25, 2019.)
お読みいただくとお分かりのように、"food coma"というのはお腹一杯食べた後眠くなることを指す、やや滑稽な表現です。
本文中では、"postprandial dip"とも表現されていますが、"postprandial somnolence"などとも表現されます。
lower the boom
Fox Newsの記事から引用です。
North Korea’s vague threats of a potential year-end provocation – what the regime has dubbed a “Christmas gift” – have analysts and ex-officials urging the Trump administration to consider tougher treatment toward Pyongyang in 2020.
Kim Jong Un’s regime wants sanctions eased by the end of the year, and its warnings have prompted speculation they could be planning a new missile test, possibly of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.
President Trump, asked Tuesday in Florida whether he’s concerned about a long-range missile test, quipped that perhaps the dictator is planning a nice gift.
"We'll see what happens. Let's see. Maybe it's a nice present, maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test ... you never know," he said.
(Judson Berger. Trump urged to ‘lower the boom’ on North Korea amid new threats. Fox News. December 25, 2019.)
「やがて中国の崩壊が始まる」(The Coming Collapse of China)の著書でも知られるアメリカのコラムニスト、ゴードン・チャン氏の以下のようなコメントが引用されています。
Gordon Chang, Asia analyst and author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” said it is unclear what exactly Kim might do but it won’t be “something good.”
Chang said Kim has not “reciprocated the good will from” Trump, “so it’s time for President Trump to actually make Kim hurt.” He urged the U.S. to cut off the flow of money and resources to North Korea by going after countries like China flouting sanctions.
“I think that it’s time for President Trump to lower the boom” on North Korea and its sponsors, he said.
it’s time for President Trump to actually make Kim hurt
it’s time for President Trump to lower the boom
ここで、"lower the boom"という表現が目に留まりました。初めて見る表現です。
文脈からその直前の"to actually make Kim hurt"の意味に通じることは明らかですが、辞書を引いてみると、
To act suddenly and forcefully to repress a practice or reprimand an offender; crack down
(American Heritage Dictionary)
Fox Newsの記事から引用です。
North Korea’s vague threats of a potential year-end provocation – what the regime has dubbed a “Christmas gift” – have analysts and ex-officials urging the Trump administration to consider tougher treatment toward Pyongyang in 2020.
Kim Jong Un’s regime wants sanctions eased by the end of the year, and its warnings have prompted speculation they could be planning a new missile test, possibly of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.
President Trump, asked Tuesday in Florida whether he’s concerned about a long-range missile test, quipped that perhaps the dictator is planning a nice gift.
"We'll see what happens. Let's see. Maybe it's a nice present, maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test ... you never know," he said.
(Judson Berger. Trump urged to ‘lower the boom’ on North Korea amid new threats. Fox News. December 25, 2019.)
「やがて中国の崩壊が始まる」(The Coming Collapse of China)の著書でも知られるアメリカのコラムニスト、ゴードン・チャン氏の以下のようなコメントが引用されています。
Gordon Chang, Asia analyst and author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” said it is unclear what exactly Kim might do but it won’t be “something good.”
Chang said Kim has not “reciprocated the good will from” Trump, “so it’s time for President Trump to actually make Kim hurt.” He urged the U.S. to cut off the flow of money and resources to North Korea by going after countries like China flouting sanctions.
“I think that it’s time for President Trump to lower the boom” on North Korea and its sponsors, he said.
it’s time for President Trump to actually make Kim hurt
it’s time for President Trump to lower the boom
ここで、"lower the boom"という表現が目に留まりました。初めて見る表現です。
文脈からその直前の"to actually make Kim hurt"の意味に通じることは明らかですが、辞書を引いてみると、
To act suddenly and forcefully to repress a practice or reprimand an offender; crack down
(American Heritage Dictionary)
Lower 48
Few dreams of a white Christmas will be realized over the Lower 48 in 2019. Unless you live in the far northern parts of the central United States, the mountains of the western United States or the interior Northeast, you’ll awaken to bare ground Christmas morning.
Unusually mild weather sprawled over most of the eastern two-thirds of the nation is to blame for the lack of snow.
(Jason Samenow. A warm Christmas, not a white Christmas, for most of Lower 48. The Washington Post. December 24, 2019.)
Lower 48
私は初めて見たのですが、"Lower 48"というのはアメリカの州のことを指していることは記事を読めば明らかです。
よくよく考えますと、アメリカ合衆国は50州から成り、大まかには大陸で地続きの48州と、(地続きでない)アラスカ州、そしてハワイ州ですから、"Lower 48"というのは、アラスカ州、ハワイ州を除くすべての州、ということです。
Few dreams of a white Christmas will be realized over the Lower 48 in 2019. Unless you live in the far northern parts of the central United States, the mountains of the western United States or the interior Northeast, you’ll awaken to bare ground Christmas morning.
Unusually mild weather sprawled over most of the eastern two-thirds of the nation is to blame for the lack of snow.
(Jason Samenow. A warm Christmas, not a white Christmas, for most of Lower 48. The Washington Post. December 24, 2019.)
Lower 48
私は初めて見たのですが、"Lower 48"というのはアメリカの州のことを指していることは記事を読めば明らかです。
よくよく考えますと、アメリカ合衆国は50州から成り、大まかには大陸で地続きの48州と、(地続きでない)アラスカ州、そしてハワイ州ですから、"Lower 48"というのは、アラスカ州、ハワイ州を除くすべての州、ということです。
想定外 ― twist
The 2019-20 flu season is underway and it’s already proving unpredictable in Colorado as the type of influenza making the rounds is one that normally doesn’t appear this soon.
Influenza B, a strain that typically doesn’t show up until the end of the season, has appeared in most flu cases this year. However, the number of Coloradans sick with the flu is normal, health officials said.
So far, more than 200 individuals have been hospitalized for flu this season, according to data from the state Department of Public Health and Environment.
“It’s definitely not considered a severe season for us,” said Dr. Suchrita Rao, an infectious disease specialist at Children’s Hospital Colorado, noting that it’s still early in the flu season.
(Jessica Seeman. Colorado’s flu season kicks off with an unusual twist. Denver Post. December 23, 2019.)
Colorado’s flu season kicks off with an unusual twist
ですが、"with an unusual twist"という表現はよく見かけるように思いますが、あまり深く考えたことがありませんでした。
The 2019-20 flu season is underway and it’s already proving unpredictable in Colorado as the type of influenza making the rounds is one that normally doesn’t appear this soon.
Influenza B, a strain that typically doesn’t show up until the end of the season, has appeared in most flu cases this year. However, the number of Coloradans sick with the flu is normal, health officials said.
So far, more than 200 individuals have been hospitalized for flu this season, according to data from the state Department of Public Health and Environment.
“It’s definitely not considered a severe season for us,” said Dr. Suchrita Rao, an infectious disease specialist at Children’s Hospital Colorado, noting that it’s still early in the flu season.
(Jessica Seeman. Colorado’s flu season kicks off with an unusual twist. Denver Post. December 23, 2019.)
Colorado’s flu season kicks off with an unusual twist
ですが、"with an unusual twist"という表現はよく見かけるように思いますが、あまり深く考えたことがありませんでした。
SEOUL — When President Trump walked out of his first summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore in June 2018, his confidence was sky high.
Trump claimed he knew "for a fact" that Kim would go home to start a process that "will make a lot of people very happy and very safe."
Since then, North Korea has carried out more than a dozen missile and rocket tests, says denuclearization is no longer on the negotiating table, has called Trump an erratic “dotard” and has threatened to deliver an unwelcome “Christmas gift.”
(Simon Denyer. How Trump’s North Korea nuclear talks gambit came undone. The Washington Post. December 22, 2019.)
How Trump’s North Korea nuclear talks gambit came undone
SEOUL — When President Trump walked out of his first summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore in June 2018, his confidence was sky high.
Trump claimed he knew "for a fact" that Kim would go home to start a process that "will make a lot of people very happy and very safe."
Since then, North Korea has carried out more than a dozen missile and rocket tests, says denuclearization is no longer on the negotiating table, has called Trump an erratic “dotard” and has threatened to deliver an unwelcome “Christmas gift.”
(Simon Denyer. How Trump’s North Korea nuclear talks gambit came undone. The Washington Post. December 22, 2019.)
How Trump’s North Korea nuclear talks gambit came undone
A tweet may be limited to only 280 characters, but it can convey so much more. In the case of celebrated author J.K. Rowling, who rose to fame with her best-selling Harry Potter series of wizardry and other fantastic tales, a single tweet she sent Thursday confirmed suspicions that she is a TERF.
(Dawn Ennis. J.K. Rowling Comes Out As A TERF. The Forbes. December 19, 2019.)
“TERF” is an acronym for transgender exclusionary radical feminist, a term reportedly coined more than a decade ago by a cisgender heterosexual woman who works as a writer in Sydney, Australia. To some, TERF is a slur; to others, a descriptive. Viv Smythe wrote in The Guardian last year that the term she invented has “been weaponized at times by both those who advocate trans-inclusion in feminist/female spaces, and those who push for trans-exclusion from female-only spaces.”
While Rowling did not go so far as to advocate for physical exclusion of trans women, her tweet — her first in a month — makes clear she supports those who argue against including trans women in the very idea of “female.”
Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feministの頭文字を取ったもので、解釈するとトランスジェンダーを受け入れないガチガチの女性至上主義者(フェミニスト)ということになるかと思われます。
ローリングさんのツイートは、イギリスにおける性同一性に関する法制(Gender Recognition Act)の改正に反対を表明した女性学者が職を失ってしまったことに触れて、女性学者のトランスジェンダーに対する嫌悪感に支持を表明するものでした。
A tweet may be limited to only 280 characters, but it can convey so much more. In the case of celebrated author J.K. Rowling, who rose to fame with her best-selling Harry Potter series of wizardry and other fantastic tales, a single tweet she sent Thursday confirmed suspicions that she is a TERF.
(Dawn Ennis. J.K. Rowling Comes Out As A TERF. The Forbes. December 19, 2019.)
“TERF” is an acronym for transgender exclusionary radical feminist, a term reportedly coined more than a decade ago by a cisgender heterosexual woman who works as a writer in Sydney, Australia. To some, TERF is a slur; to others, a descriptive. Viv Smythe wrote in The Guardian last year that the term she invented has “been weaponized at times by both those who advocate trans-inclusion in feminist/female spaces, and those who push for trans-exclusion from female-only spaces.”
While Rowling did not go so far as to advocate for physical exclusion of trans women, her tweet — her first in a month — makes clear she supports those who argue against including trans women in the very idea of “female.”
Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feministの頭文字を取ったもので、解釈するとトランスジェンダーを受け入れないガチガチの女性至上主義者(フェミニスト)ということになるかと思われます。
ローリングさんのツイートは、イギリスにおける性同一性に関する法制(Gender Recognition Act)の改正に反対を表明した女性学者が職を失ってしまったことに触れて、女性学者のトランスジェンダーに対する嫌悪感に支持を表明するものでした。
cop to
No need to ask Santa!
Two Michigan kids used the virtual assistant Alexa to buy more than $700 worth of Christmas toys — and their mom had no clue until the boxes showed up, according to a report.
Veronica Estell was stunned when a delivery driver dropped off the massive haul of holiday loot — including a Barbie Dreamhouse, dolls and PJ Masks figurines — at her home near Detroit, according to the UK Sun.
At first, she thought a generous relative had sent the presents — until her 4- and 6-year-old children copped to going on a shopping sprees using a credit card linked to her account.
“UPS showed up with boxes of gifts and all it had on the shipping tag was my name,” Estell wrote on her Facebook pagein a caption accompanying the video. “So I’m like, okay who sent all these great gifts! Whoever it is got moneyyyy.”
When she learned her kids had ordered enough toys to fill Saint Nick’s workshop, she posted a video online of herself scolding them.
(Natalie O'Neil. Kids use Alexa to order $700 worth of toys on mom’s credit card. New York Post. December 18, 2019.)
her 4- and 6-year-old children copped to going on a shopping sprees using a credit card linked to her account
という部分がありますが、ここで"cop to"というのは、認める、という意味のアメリカ英語の俗語表現であることを知りました。
"cop to ~ing"の形を取ることが多く、良くないことをしてしまったことを不本意ながら認める、告白する、というようなコンテクストで用いられるようです。
The couple fought throughout the pregnancy; Wilkinson admits she suffered from body-image issues while expecting, and Baskett cops to drinking in excess to cope with his emotions.
(People, 2015)
No need to ask Santa!
Two Michigan kids used the virtual assistant Alexa to buy more than $700 worth of Christmas toys — and their mom had no clue until the boxes showed up, according to a report.
Veronica Estell was stunned when a delivery driver dropped off the massive haul of holiday loot — including a Barbie Dreamhouse, dolls and PJ Masks figurines — at her home near Detroit, according to the UK Sun.
At first, she thought a generous relative had sent the presents — until her 4- and 6-year-old children copped to going on a shopping sprees using a credit card linked to her account.
“UPS showed up with boxes of gifts and all it had on the shipping tag was my name,” Estell wrote on her Facebook pagein a caption accompanying the video. “So I’m like, okay who sent all these great gifts! Whoever it is got moneyyyy.”
When she learned her kids had ordered enough toys to fill Saint Nick’s workshop, she posted a video online of herself scolding them.
(Natalie O'Neil. Kids use Alexa to order $700 worth of toys on mom’s credit card. New York Post. December 18, 2019.)
her 4- and 6-year-old children copped to going on a shopping sprees using a credit card linked to her account
という部分がありますが、ここで"cop to"というのは、認める、という意味のアメリカ英語の俗語表現であることを知りました。
"cop to ~ing"の形を取ることが多く、良くないことをしてしまったことを不本意ながら認める、告白する、というようなコンテクストで用いられるようです。
The couple fought throughout the pregnancy; Wilkinson admits she suffered from body-image issues while expecting, and Baskett cops to drinking in excess to cope with his emotions.
(People, 2015)
hot air
A German railway company has taken back an apology they made to Greta Thunberg after they realized the climate activist wasn’t schlepping it on the train’s floor but instead was treated “friendly” in first class.
The rail company was responding to an image Thunberg tweeted of herself sitting amid bags and suitcases on the floor of what she called “overcrowded trains through Germany.”
The company, Deutsche Bahn, initially released a statement that said they “continue working hard on getting more trains, connections and seats.”
They also thanked Thunberg for supporting the company’s battle against climate change and pointed out that the train she used had been running 100 percent on eco-friendly electricity.
But upon reflection, Deutsche Bahn said Thunberg’s “overcrowded” claims were just hot air.
The rail company claimed the teenager had a seat in first class between Kassel and Hamburg and that other members of her team were already sitting in first class from Frankfurt onwards.
(Joe Tacopino. German railway claims Greta Thunberg lied about taking first class. New York Post. December 15, 2019.)
これに対してドイツ鉄道側は、グレタさんとその一行が実際には途中駅からは一等客車で座って移動したとコメントし、グレタさんのコメントを"hot air"であると批難しました。
この"hot air"という表現を知らなかったのですが、辞書を引くと、
ところで、"hot air"がなぜ嘘(a lie)の意味になるのか、解説したものは見当たらないのですが、"hot air"の含意するところは、中身(実質)が無い話、ということであり、温めた(hot)空気(air)ということでは、モノを膨らませる、という行為が連想されます。
A German railway company has taken back an apology they made to Greta Thunberg after they realized the climate activist wasn’t schlepping it on the train’s floor but instead was treated “friendly” in first class.
The rail company was responding to an image Thunberg tweeted of herself sitting amid bags and suitcases on the floor of what she called “overcrowded trains through Germany.”
The company, Deutsche Bahn, initially released a statement that said they “continue working hard on getting more trains, connections and seats.”
They also thanked Thunberg for supporting the company’s battle against climate change and pointed out that the train she used had been running 100 percent on eco-friendly electricity.
But upon reflection, Deutsche Bahn said Thunberg’s “overcrowded” claims were just hot air.
The rail company claimed the teenager had a seat in first class between Kassel and Hamburg and that other members of her team were already sitting in first class from Frankfurt onwards.
(Joe Tacopino. German railway claims Greta Thunberg lied about taking first class. New York Post. December 15, 2019.)
これに対してドイツ鉄道側は、グレタさんとその一行が実際には途中駅からは一等客車で座って移動したとコメントし、グレタさんのコメントを"hot air"であると批難しました。
この"hot air"という表現を知らなかったのですが、辞書を引くと、
ところで、"hot air"がなぜ嘘(a lie)の意味になるのか、解説したものは見当たらないのですが、"hot air"の含意するところは、中身(実質)が無い話、ということであり、温めた(hot)空気(air)ということでは、モノを膨らませる、という行為が連想されます。
ヌーベルバーグの映画女優として名を馳せた女優アンナ・カリーナ(Anna Karina)さんが死去されました。
From the beginning of film history, there have been examples of directors putting their wives and/or lovers in their films, such as Josef von Sternberg-Marlene Dietrich and Roberto Rossellini-Ingrid Bergman. But there was never anything like the goings-on between the directors and their stars during the period of the French New Wave in the 1960s.
Among the couples were Louis Malle-Jeanne Moreau, Claude Chabrol–Stéphane Audran, and François Truffaut with a number of his leading ladies. However, the closest cinematic and personal relationship was that of Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.
In Godard’s films, the Danish-born Karina, who has died aged 79 of cancer, is seldom off screen, coquettish and spirited, and never a mere victim or innocent. Their films together have been described as documentaries of Karina herself.
(Anna Karina obituary. The Guardian. December 16, 2019.)
From the beginning of film history, there have been examples of directors putting their wives and/or lovers in their films, such as Josef von Sternberg-Marlene Dietrich and Roberto Rossellini-Ingrid Bergman. But there was never anything like the goings-on between the directors and their stars during the period of the French New Wave in the 1960s.
Among the couples were Louis Malle-Jeanne Moreau, Claude Chabrol–Stéphane Audran, and François Truffaut with a number of his leading ladies. However, the closest cinematic and personal relationship was that of Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.
In Godard’s films, the Danish-born Karina, who has died aged 79 of cancer, is seldom off screen, coquettish and spirited, and never a mere victim or innocent. Their films together have been described as documentaries of Karina herself.
(Anna Karina obituary. The Guardian. December 16, 2019.)
When David N. Anderson carried out a deadly anti-Semitic terror attack with his girlfriend in a kosher deli in New Jersey last week, he had a phone number and an address written on a note tucked into his back pocket.
The note, which the police found during their investigation, led them to a pawnshop almost 40 miles south of Jersey City, the site of the shooting. On Friday evening, they searched the store and found 10 guns and over 400 rounds of ammunition. The shop’s owner, Ahmed A-Hady, 35, was arrested early on Saturday morning on criminal weapons charges, federal authorities said.
Later on Saturday, according to officials, federal authorities recovered a white van 11 miles from Jersey City, which they believe may be connected to Mr. Anderson and his girlfriend, Francine Graham, who participated in the attack.
(400 Rounds of Ammunition Found at Pawnshop Connected to N.J. Killings. New York Times. December 15, 2019.)
10 guns and over 400 rounds of ammunition
When David N. Anderson carried out a deadly anti-Semitic terror attack with his girlfriend in a kosher deli in New Jersey last week, he had a phone number and an address written on a note tucked into his back pocket.
The note, which the police found during their investigation, led them to a pawnshop almost 40 miles south of Jersey City, the site of the shooting. On Friday evening, they searched the store and found 10 guns and over 400 rounds of ammunition. The shop’s owner, Ahmed A-Hady, 35, was arrested early on Saturday morning on criminal weapons charges, federal authorities said.
Later on Saturday, according to officials, federal authorities recovered a white van 11 miles from Jersey City, which they believe may be connected to Mr. Anderson and his girlfriend, Francine Graham, who participated in the attack.
(400 Rounds of Ammunition Found at Pawnshop Connected to N.J. Killings. New York Times. December 15, 2019.)
10 guns and over 400 rounds of ammunition
兼ねる ― double
Bo Wells was sitting inside his truck at a Pilot travel center in Dallas on Monday, waiting for management at Celadon Group Inc. to give him instructions on where to drop off his company-owned truck.
He is one of about 4,000 Celadon Group Inc. employees who suddenly lost their jobs after the Indianapolis-based company announced Monday that it had filed for bankruptcy and was going out of business immediately.
(Alexandria Burris. 'I have no idea of how I'm getting home': Truckers struggle after Celadon bankruptcy. USA Today. December 11, 2019.)
Wells, who is from Mississippi, said he hasn't been able to reach anyone, but people have offered to buy him a bus ticket home. But because his truck doubles as his home on the road, he said that option did not work for him.
"At this time I have no idea of how I'm getting home," he explained via a Facebook message early Monday. "This is catching all of us off guard. We all have too much stuff in our trucks to carry on a bus."
because his truck doubles as his home on the road
以前に、"double down"、や、"double over"という表現を取り上げたことがありますが、よく知っている、見慣れた単語故に、そうかこんな意味でも使われるんだということに気が付くことは往々にしてありますね。
Bo Wells was sitting inside his truck at a Pilot travel center in Dallas on Monday, waiting for management at Celadon Group Inc. to give him instructions on where to drop off his company-owned truck.
He is one of about 4,000 Celadon Group Inc. employees who suddenly lost their jobs after the Indianapolis-based company announced Monday that it had filed for bankruptcy and was going out of business immediately.
(Alexandria Burris. 'I have no idea of how I'm getting home': Truckers struggle after Celadon bankruptcy. USA Today. December 11, 2019.)
Wells, who is from Mississippi, said he hasn't been able to reach anyone, but people have offered to buy him a bus ticket home. But because his truck doubles as his home on the road, he said that option did not work for him.
"At this time I have no idea of how I'm getting home," he explained via a Facebook message early Monday. "This is catching all of us off guard. We all have too much stuff in our trucks to carry on a bus."
because his truck doubles as his home on the road
以前に、"double down"、や、"double over"という表現を取り上げたことがありますが、よく知っている、見慣れた単語故に、そうかこんな意味でも使われるんだということに気が付くことは往々にしてありますね。
今年になって、生誕100周年を迎えたJ.D.サリンジャーの著作を読み返したいたのですが、代表作である"Catcher in the Rye"で以下のくだりに出くわしたのがきっかけです。
What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window. I probably would've done it, too, if I'd been sure somebody'd cover me up as soon as I landed. I didn't want a buch of stupid rubbernecks looking at me when I was all gory.
(J.D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye.)
German politicians are considering raising fines to almost €2,000 (£1,777) for drivers who fail to give way for emergency vehicles after a study found four out of five ambulance deployments were held up by an average of five minutes when trying to get through traffic.
Drivers’ failure to move aside to form a “rettungsgasse” or rescue lane in the middle of the road – a key rule to German motorway driving which motorists are taught when learning to drive – has been blamed on drivers looking at the incidents and filming them on their mobile phones.
The increase in rubbernecking is being blamed on social media and a growing obsession with stopping to film or photograph accident sites on mobile phones.
(Rubbernecking German drivers could be hit by bigger fines. The Guardian. October 21, 2018.)
今年になって、生誕100周年を迎えたJ.D.サリンジャーの著作を読み返したいたのですが、代表作である"Catcher in the Rye"で以下のくだりに出くわしたのがきっかけです。
What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window. I probably would've done it, too, if I'd been sure somebody'd cover me up as soon as I landed. I didn't want a buch of stupid rubbernecks looking at me when I was all gory.
(J.D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye.)
German politicians are considering raising fines to almost €2,000 (£1,777) for drivers who fail to give way for emergency vehicles after a study found four out of five ambulance deployments were held up by an average of five minutes when trying to get through traffic.
Drivers’ failure to move aside to form a “rettungsgasse” or rescue lane in the middle of the road – a key rule to German motorway driving which motorists are taught when learning to drive – has been blamed on drivers looking at the incidents and filming them on their mobile phones.
The increase in rubbernecking is being blamed on social media and a growing obsession with stopping to film or photograph accident sites on mobile phones.
(Rubbernecking German drivers could be hit by bigger fines. The Guardian. October 21, 2018.)
People with less than $10,000 in their superannuation accounts are losing as much as 4.4% of their already modest savings to fees charged by fund administrators, new data from the prudential regulator shows.
A heatmap published by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority on Tuesday also reveals Westpac arm BT is consistently delivering substandard returns to members of its MySuper fund.
It paints a picture of retirement incomes for some savers in MySuper funds, which are supposed to be simple and low cost, being eaten away by high fees and poor returns.
(Superannuation data reveals accounts being eaten away by high fees and poor returns. The Guardian. December 10, 2019.)
想像通りですが、super + annum、ということであり、字義通りには1年(annum)を過ぎた、越えた(super)という意味だそうです。
People with less than $10,000 in their superannuation accounts are losing as much as 4.4% of their already modest savings to fees charged by fund administrators, new data from the prudential regulator shows.
A heatmap published by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority on Tuesday also reveals Westpac arm BT is consistently delivering substandard returns to members of its MySuper fund.
It paints a picture of retirement incomes for some savers in MySuper funds, which are supposed to be simple and low cost, being eaten away by high fees and poor returns.
(Superannuation data reveals accounts being eaten away by high fees and poor returns. The Guardian. December 10, 2019.)
想像通りですが、super + annum、ということであり、字義通りには1年(annum)を過ぎた、越えた(super)という意味だそうです。
Sydneysiders have been blanketed by a thick haze on Tuesday morning as dangerous bushfires blazing across New South Wales continue to push hazardous smoke over the harbour city.
Visibility was so low that Sydney ferries were forced to stop running, as smoke infiltrated train stations and set off fire alarms, causing havoc for the public transport system.
Buses will replace ferries between the city and Manly on the northern beaches, but no other routes will receive additional services. Sydney Ferries suggested commuters 'delay their journeys'.
Transport NSW also warned some customers may be overcharged for their fares as Opal gates would be affected.
(Sydney is blanketed in a toxic layer of smoke with the worst air quality in the WORLD closing offices and sparking flight, train and ferry chaos - as experts warn smog is a 'recipe for severe illness.' Dialy Mail. December 10, 2019.)
Sydneysiders have been blanketed by a thick haze on Tuesday morning as dangerous bushfires blazing across New South Wales continue to push hazardous smoke over the harbour city.
Visibility was so low that Sydney ferries were forced to stop running, as smoke infiltrated train stations and set off fire alarms, causing havoc for the public transport system.
Buses will replace ferries between the city and Manly on the northern beaches, but no other routes will receive additional services. Sydney Ferries suggested commuters 'delay their journeys'.
Transport NSW also warned some customers may be overcharged for their fares as Opal gates would be affected.
(Sydney is blanketed in a toxic layer of smoke with the worst air quality in the WORLD closing offices and sparking flight, train and ferry chaos - as experts warn smog is a 'recipe for severe illness.' Dialy Mail. December 10, 2019.)
無い物ねだり - To ask pears of an elm tree.
To ask pears of an elm tree.
To ask pears of an elm tree.
反則 ― low blow
During Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing, Karlan—a Stanford Law professor—attempted to make a point about the Constitution, noting that President Donald Trump is not a monarch.
“So while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,” Karlan said. After First Lady Melania Trump and other conservatives lashed outat the legal expert, claiming she attacked a minor, Karlan offered an apology.
Discussing the backlash to Karlan’s play on words, hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar pointed out that the professor was merely making an analogy using Barron’s name and was not being “disrespectful or nasty” towards a young child. This immediately prompted conservative co-host Abby Huntsman to fire back.
“I might be the only one here that sees this as pretty sick and a total low blow and stupid,” Huntsman huffed, causing guest host Bari Weiss to ask what was so “sick” about it.
“Because I think talking about political kids unless they’re on the front lines, they’re off-limits,” the daughter of former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman said. “I’m the only one at the table that has been a political child.”
(Justin Baragona. ‘The View’ Devolves Into Shouting Match Over Barron Trump Pun. Daily Beast. December 5, 2019.)
“So while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,”
"(I might be the one that) sees this as pretty sick and a total low blow and stupid"
"low blow"というのはボクシングの用語で、腰より下を狙って繰り出す打撃を指します。ルールでは反則攻撃であり、つまり反則(技)だ、ということです。
ここから発展して、卑劣な攻撃や非難のことを指して、"low blow"という表現が一般にも使われるようになりました。
During Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing, Karlan—a Stanford Law professor—attempted to make a point about the Constitution, noting that President Donald Trump is not a monarch.
“So while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,” Karlan said. After First Lady Melania Trump and other conservatives lashed outat the legal expert, claiming she attacked a minor, Karlan offered an apology.
Discussing the backlash to Karlan’s play on words, hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar pointed out that the professor was merely making an analogy using Barron’s name and was not being “disrespectful or nasty” towards a young child. This immediately prompted conservative co-host Abby Huntsman to fire back.
“I might be the only one here that sees this as pretty sick and a total low blow and stupid,” Huntsman huffed, causing guest host Bari Weiss to ask what was so “sick” about it.
“Because I think talking about political kids unless they’re on the front lines, they’re off-limits,” the daughter of former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman said. “I’m the only one at the table that has been a political child.”
(Justin Baragona. ‘The View’ Devolves Into Shouting Match Over Barron Trump Pun. Daily Beast. December 5, 2019.)
“So while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,”
"(I might be the one that) sees this as pretty sick and a total low blow and stupid"
"low blow"というのはボクシングの用語で、腰より下を狙って繰り出す打撃を指します。ルールでは反則攻撃であり、つまり反則(技)だ、ということです。
ここから発展して、卑劣な攻撃や非難のことを指して、"low blow"という表現が一般にも使われるようになりました。
Over the next decade, scientists will investigate whether a number of drugs already widely used by the NHS could be repurposed to counteract the effects of ageing. The so-called ‘elixir of youth’ would target the harmful cells that fuel inflammation and increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia and other potentially fatal conditions.
The process is known as “senescence” and happens to all humans as we get older.
The vital cell process plays a key role in age related illnesses.
Senescent cells secrete damaging chemicals as they accumulate in the body, usually as people enter their sixties.
A new research centre at the University of Exeter will test the ability to develop ways of reversing the frailty of old age as part of a project that aims to move drugs research away from animal experiments.
(Amalie Henden. Elixir of life: How scientists are testing ‘senescent’ cells to reverse ageing. Express.co.uk. November 18, 2019.)
"elixir of life"というのは、それを飲めば不老不死になれると信じられた霊薬のことです。
Over the next decade, scientists will investigate whether a number of drugs already widely used by the NHS could be repurposed to counteract the effects of ageing. The so-called ‘elixir of youth’ would target the harmful cells that fuel inflammation and increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia and other potentially fatal conditions.
The process is known as “senescence” and happens to all humans as we get older.
The vital cell process plays a key role in age related illnesses.
Senescent cells secrete damaging chemicals as they accumulate in the body, usually as people enter their sixties.
A new research centre at the University of Exeter will test the ability to develop ways of reversing the frailty of old age as part of a project that aims to move drugs research away from animal experiments.
(Amalie Henden. Elixir of life: How scientists are testing ‘senescent’ cells to reverse ageing. Express.co.uk. November 18, 2019.)
"elixir of life"というのは、それを飲めば不老不死になれると信じられた霊薬のことです。
sound off
今日の朝刊でPISA(Program for International Student Assessment;国際学力テスト)に関する記事を目にしました。
The recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment have teachers and those invested in America’s education system engaged in a spirited discussion about what is to blame for the country’s stagnant test results and what should be done about it.
The test, which is given every three years, measures a 15-year-old student’s reading, mathematics and science literacy, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Results showed that, over all, Americans who took the test scored slightly above students from peer nations in reading.
However, American students scored below the middle of the pack in math, and nearly one-fifth of the students who took the test scored so low it seemed some had not mastered the reading skills of someone far younger. American students’ results in reading and math have also been stagnant since 2000, and the achievement gap in reading between high- and low-performing students is widening.
There is no consensus on why Americans have not made much progress, and commenters, including teachers and former educators, shared their opinions on the matter.
(Derrick Bryson Taylor. Teachers and Other Readers Sound Off on International Exam Results. New York Times. December 3, 2019.)
Teachers and Other Readers Sound Off on International Exam Results
というものなのですが、"sound off"という慣用句が使われています。
To express one's views vigorously
(American Heritage Dictionary)
to voice one's opinions freely and vigorously
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
日本における読解力スコアの低さの原因と改善策についてはやはり専門家が様々な意見を寄せていますが、これも"sound off"しているということになりますね。
The recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment have teachers and those invested in America’s education system engaged in a spirited discussion about what is to blame for the country’s stagnant test results and what should be done about it.
The test, which is given every three years, measures a 15-year-old student’s reading, mathematics and science literacy, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Results showed that, over all, Americans who took the test scored slightly above students from peer nations in reading.
However, American students scored below the middle of the pack in math, and nearly one-fifth of the students who took the test scored so low it seemed some had not mastered the reading skills of someone far younger. American students’ results in reading and math have also been stagnant since 2000, and the achievement gap in reading between high- and low-performing students is widening.
There is no consensus on why Americans have not made much progress, and commenters, including teachers and former educators, shared their opinions on the matter.
(Derrick Bryson Taylor. Teachers and Other Readers Sound Off on International Exam Results. New York Times. December 3, 2019.)
Teachers and Other Readers Sound Off on International Exam Results
というものなのですが、"sound off"という慣用句が使われています。
To express one's views vigorously
(American Heritage Dictionary)
to voice one's opinions freely and vigorously
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
日本における読解力スコアの低さの原因と改善策についてはやはり専門家が様々な意見を寄せていますが、これも"sound off"しているということになりますね。
A prehistoric puppy believed to be 18,000 years old was found in permafrost, and presented at a news conference by Russian scientists Monday.
Its hair, teeth, whiskers and eyelashes were still intact when it was discovered last year in a lump of frozen mud, providing ample material for researchers looking to investigate the origins of dogs.
“This puppy has all its limbs, pelage – fur, even whiskers. The nose is visible. There are teeth. We can determine due to some data that it is a male,” Nikolai Androsov, director of the Northern World private museum where the remains are stored, said at a presentation at the Mammoth Museum in Russia’s North Eastern Federal University, per the Associated Press.
Scientists from the Stockholm-based Center for Palaeogenetics took a sample of the puppy's bone to study its DNA.
(Josua Bote. Ancient puppy found in permafrost believed to be 18,000 years old, scientists say. USA Today. December 2, 2019.)
A prehistoric puppy believed to be 18,000 years old was found in permafrost, and presented at a news conference by Russian scientists Monday.
Its hair, teeth, whiskers and eyelashes were still intact when it was discovered last year in a lump of frozen mud, providing ample material for researchers looking to investigate the origins of dogs.
“This puppy has all its limbs, pelage – fur, even whiskers. The nose is visible. There are teeth. We can determine due to some data that it is a male,” Nikolai Androsov, director of the Northern World private museum where the remains are stored, said at a presentation at the Mammoth Museum in Russia’s North Eastern Federal University, per the Associated Press.
Scientists from the Stockholm-based Center for Palaeogenetics took a sample of the puppy's bone to study its DNA.
(Josua Bote. Ancient puppy found in permafrost believed to be 18,000 years old, scientists say. USA Today. December 2, 2019.)
cottage industry
似たような、と書いたのは、英語科目に関する話ではないのですが、大学入学試験にあたっては学習達成度の尺度にも用いられるSAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)が論争の渦中にあるということからです。
SAN FRANCISCO – A battle is brewing that could result in one of the nation’s largest and most prestigious state university systems dropping tests that have long held the highest of stakes for high school students.
In the coming weeks, a coalition of advocacy groups is expected to file a lawsuit against the University of California, demanding that its nine undergraduate campuses stop requiring applicants to submit results from the SAT or ACT. The long-standing aptitude tests, the group contends, are inherently biased against the poor.
“These tests are incredibly sensitive to socioeconomic status and race and have nothing to say about the individual,” says Alisa Hartz, an attorney with Los Angeles-based pro bono firm Public Counsel, which plans to file the suit on behalf of groups that work in low-income neighborhoods.
(Marco Della Cava. University of California system could change the future of SAT, ACT testing for college admissions. USA Today. November 28, 2019.)
UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ recently told attendees of an education conference that the SAT and ACT contribute to “inequalities,” lending the weight of an elite college to the "test optional" movement. UC Provost Michael Brown, who also was in attendance, expressed concern about research showing the level of influence of family income and race on test results.
The tests, which cost money to take and are designed to score aptitude in core subject areas, were in the spotlight recently when parents of some students paid disgraced education consultant Rick Singer thousands of dollars to cheat on the exams.
But the tests have been high stakes for years. Families spend thousands of dollars on the cottage industry of SAT and ACT preparatory courses. Students who can't afford test prep are at a disadvantage against wealthier peers, Public Counsel attorney Hartz says.
Families spend thousands of dollars on the cottage industry of SAT and ACT preparatory courses.
という部分がありますが、ここでの"cottage industry"という表現に着目してみました。
His route back to the top of the game, he says, begins with his psyche. His nod to the mental part of the game is shared by many in the golf world, where a cottage industry has bloomed with sports psychologists who examine fears, frustrations and doubts that reside in a player's mind. Emphasizing how mental and emotional hazards can be conquered, the psychologists understand a positive outlook translates into better performance on the course.
(USA Today, 2011))
Because rising to the top of the Google index is such a cumbersome task, a cottage industry of consultants to help businesses "optimize" their pages for Google has grown over the last few years. These folks call themselves Search Engine Optimizers (SEO).
(USA Today, 2006)
色々な辞書を参照してみましたが、どれも似たような定義がされている一方、単純にスケールの小さいビジネスという意味合いで用いられる"cottage industry"以外の、今回取り上げたようなコンテクストにおける意味合いをずばりと説明しているものはないように思われました。
a limited but enthusiastically pursued activity or subject
というものがありますが、"enthusiastically pursued"という修飾にはこの表現の持つ含意をほのめかすような、やや特殊な響きがあります。また、American Heritage Dictionaryでは、
A small, loosely organized, yet flourishing complex of activity or industry
とありましたが、"yet flourishing"の部分などもそうです。
何が言いたいかといいますと、"cottage industry"の含意としては、単にスモールビジネスというのではなく、まずそのようなビジネスが成立しそうな時流やら情勢といったものがあって、それに乗っかるような形で今まさに発生し始めたようなビジネス、というものがあるように思われます。黎明期のビジネスと言い換えても良いかもしれません。
似たような、と書いたのは、英語科目に関する話ではないのですが、大学入学試験にあたっては学習達成度の尺度にも用いられるSAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)が論争の渦中にあるということからです。
SAN FRANCISCO – A battle is brewing that could result in one of the nation’s largest and most prestigious state university systems dropping tests that have long held the highest of stakes for high school students.
In the coming weeks, a coalition of advocacy groups is expected to file a lawsuit against the University of California, demanding that its nine undergraduate campuses stop requiring applicants to submit results from the SAT or ACT. The long-standing aptitude tests, the group contends, are inherently biased against the poor.
“These tests are incredibly sensitive to socioeconomic status and race and have nothing to say about the individual,” says Alisa Hartz, an attorney with Los Angeles-based pro bono firm Public Counsel, which plans to file the suit on behalf of groups that work in low-income neighborhoods.
(Marco Della Cava. University of California system could change the future of SAT, ACT testing for college admissions. USA Today. November 28, 2019.)
UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ recently told attendees of an education conference that the SAT and ACT contribute to “inequalities,” lending the weight of an elite college to the "test optional" movement. UC Provost Michael Brown, who also was in attendance, expressed concern about research showing the level of influence of family income and race on test results.
The tests, which cost money to take and are designed to score aptitude in core subject areas, were in the spotlight recently when parents of some students paid disgraced education consultant Rick Singer thousands of dollars to cheat on the exams.
But the tests have been high stakes for years. Families spend thousands of dollars on the cottage industry of SAT and ACT preparatory courses. Students who can't afford test prep are at a disadvantage against wealthier peers, Public Counsel attorney Hartz says.
Families spend thousands of dollars on the cottage industry of SAT and ACT preparatory courses.
という部分がありますが、ここでの"cottage industry"という表現に着目してみました。
His route back to the top of the game, he says, begins with his psyche. His nod to the mental part of the game is shared by many in the golf world, where a cottage industry has bloomed with sports psychologists who examine fears, frustrations and doubts that reside in a player's mind. Emphasizing how mental and emotional hazards can be conquered, the psychologists understand a positive outlook translates into better performance on the course.
(USA Today, 2011))
Because rising to the top of the Google index is such a cumbersome task, a cottage industry of consultants to help businesses "optimize" their pages for Google has grown over the last few years. These folks call themselves Search Engine Optimizers (SEO).
(USA Today, 2006)
色々な辞書を参照してみましたが、どれも似たような定義がされている一方、単純にスケールの小さいビジネスという意味合いで用いられる"cottage industry"以外の、今回取り上げたようなコンテクストにおける意味合いをずばりと説明しているものはないように思われました。
a limited but enthusiastically pursued activity or subject
というものがありますが、"enthusiastically pursued"という修飾にはこの表現の持つ含意をほのめかすような、やや特殊な響きがあります。また、American Heritage Dictionaryでは、
A small, loosely organized, yet flourishing complex of activity or industry
とありましたが、"yet flourishing"の部分などもそうです。
何が言いたいかといいますと、"cottage industry"の含意としては、単にスモールビジネスというのではなく、まずそのようなビジネスが成立しそうな時流やら情勢といったものがあって、それに乗っかるような形で今まさに発生し始めたようなビジネス、というものがあるように思われます。黎明期のビジネスと言い換えても良いかもしれません。
何と訳す? ー active shooter
School shootings like the recent one in Santa Clarita, Calif., have focused the nation's attention on school safety. And schools across the U.S. are wrestling with how to prevent themselves from becoming the site of the next tragedy.
Many schools are turning to highly visible "hardened" security measures. For example, at least eight states now have laws mandating active shooter drills in schools. But there's little research yet that shows that those drills are effective. Meanwhile, a new comprehensive report from the U.S. Secret Service underlines the agency's previous findings that there is one safety approach that does work: threat assessment, as part of a comprehensive program of social and emotional support for students.
(Anya Kamenetz. Active Shooter Drills May Not Stop A School Shooting — But This Method Could. NPR. November 27, 2019.)
active shooter drill
さて、"active shooter drill"を何と訳したものでしょうか?
馴染みのある"fire evacuation drill"は火災避難訓練ですが、"active shooter drill"の場合、"active shooter"に備えた対策訓練となりますが、そもそも"active shooter"という表現が特殊です。
"active"は今現在活動中である、活発である、という意味合いだと思いますが、"active shooter"に対応する適当な日本語は見当たりません。
ネットで検索すると"active shooter"に「銃乱射」という日本語を当てている例がちらほらと見られますが、カタカナの“アクティブ”と「乱射」は一見ピンと来ないものがありますね。
ところで、US Department of Homeland Securityの定義によれば、"active shooter"は下記のように定義されています。
an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
この定義からは、特に"there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims"という部分が「乱射」というのにふさわしく、恐らくはこれが"active shooter"に対応する日本語のベースになっているのかもしれません。
School shootings like the recent one in Santa Clarita, Calif., have focused the nation's attention on school safety. And schools across the U.S. are wrestling with how to prevent themselves from becoming the site of the next tragedy.
Many schools are turning to highly visible "hardened" security measures. For example, at least eight states now have laws mandating active shooter drills in schools. But there's little research yet that shows that those drills are effective. Meanwhile, a new comprehensive report from the U.S. Secret Service underlines the agency's previous findings that there is one safety approach that does work: threat assessment, as part of a comprehensive program of social and emotional support for students.
(Anya Kamenetz. Active Shooter Drills May Not Stop A School Shooting — But This Method Could. NPR. November 27, 2019.)
active shooter drill
さて、"active shooter drill"を何と訳したものでしょうか?
馴染みのある"fire evacuation drill"は火災避難訓練ですが、"active shooter drill"の場合、"active shooter"に備えた対策訓練となりますが、そもそも"active shooter"という表現が特殊です。
"active"は今現在活動中である、活発である、という意味合いだと思いますが、"active shooter"に対応する適当な日本語は見当たりません。
ネットで検索すると"active shooter"に「銃乱射」という日本語を当てている例がちらほらと見られますが、カタカナの“アクティブ”と「乱射」は一見ピンと来ないものがありますね。
ところで、US Department of Homeland Securityの定義によれば、"active shooter"は下記のように定義されています。
an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
この定義からは、特に"there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims"という部分が「乱射」というのにふさわしく、恐らくはこれが"active shooter"に対応する日本語のベースになっているのかもしれません。
change hands
San Francisco (CNN Business) — About 170 years after California's gold rush came the promise of the green rush.
California's legalization of cannabis for adult recreational use was expected to be massive. In 2016, industry investors claimed sales could top $6.5 billion by 2020.
And as 2019 comes to a close, California is indeed home to the world's largest cannabis market, totaling close to $12 billion in estimated sales. But here's the rub: $8.7 billion of that is changing hands in the illicit market.
Now, members of California's cannabis industry are sending an S.O.S. to the state capitol, saying they're struggling to compete against black market operators who don't have to meet stringent regulations or pay taxes and fees. They're urging leaders to make swift regulatory changes or risk the collapse of their emerging industry.
(Alicia Wallace. California cannabis industry sending SOS to state leaders. CNN. November 26, 2019.)
$8.7 billion of that is changing hands in the illicit market
と表現されていますが、この"change hands"というフレーズを取り上げたいと思います。
San Francisco (CNN Business) — About 170 years after California's gold rush came the promise of the green rush.
California's legalization of cannabis for adult recreational use was expected to be massive. In 2016, industry investors claimed sales could top $6.5 billion by 2020.
And as 2019 comes to a close, California is indeed home to the world's largest cannabis market, totaling close to $12 billion in estimated sales. But here's the rub: $8.7 billion of that is changing hands in the illicit market.
Now, members of California's cannabis industry are sending an S.O.S. to the state capitol, saying they're struggling to compete against black market operators who don't have to meet stringent regulations or pay taxes and fees. They're urging leaders to make swift regulatory changes or risk the collapse of their emerging industry.
(Alicia Wallace. California cannabis industry sending SOS to state leaders. CNN. November 26, 2019.)
$8.7 billion of that is changing hands in the illicit market
と表現されていますが、この"change hands"というフレーズを取り上げたいと思います。
テスラとフォードが対決 ー tug-of-war
テスラ社の代表Elon Musk氏は、最近発表したサイバートラックという新車と、フォードのピックアップトラックとの「綱引き」動画を公開し、サイバートラックの優位性を誇ったところ、フォード社の副社長が対等な勝負になっていない、と指摘し、ツイッター上での舌戦になっているというものです。
When Elon Musk unveiled Tesla's much anticipated Cybertruck Thursday, he showed a video of the all-electric truck winning a tug-of-war against a Ford F-150 in spectacular fashion. As Ford's bestselling pickup was dragged backwards, its wheels spinning, Musk pointed out that the Cybertruck was pulling the Ford uphill.
Musk tweeted out that same video Monday and a Ford executive responded by challenging Tesla to a real "apples to apples" truck test. Elon Musk, in turn, responded "bring it on." But it's far from clear that this is a fight Ford actually wants.
(Peter Valdes-Dapena. Tesla's Cybertruck vs. Ford's F-150: Bring it on. CNN. November 26, 2019.)
テスラ社の代表Elon Musk氏は、最近発表したサイバートラックという新車と、フォードのピックアップトラックとの「綱引き」動画を公開し、サイバートラックの優位性を誇ったところ、フォード社の副社長が対等な勝負になっていない、と指摘し、ツイッター上での舌戦になっているというものです。
When Elon Musk unveiled Tesla's much anticipated Cybertruck Thursday, he showed a video of the all-electric truck winning a tug-of-war against a Ford F-150 in spectacular fashion. As Ford's bestselling pickup was dragged backwards, its wheels spinning, Musk pointed out that the Cybertruck was pulling the Ford uphill.
Musk tweeted out that same video Monday and a Ford executive responded by challenging Tesla to a real "apples to apples" truck test. Elon Musk, in turn, responded "bring it on." But it's far from clear that this is a fight Ford actually wants.
(Peter Valdes-Dapena. Tesla's Cybertruck vs. Ford's F-150: Bring it on. CNN. November 26, 2019.)
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista, robot.
New York City on Monday warned FedEx to ‘terminate’ any operation of its delivery robots in the Big Apple, after a fleet of the androids were spotted rolling around lower Manhattan last week.
The delivery machines, which are still being tested, use artificial intelligence, motion sensors and stair-climbing wheels to travel on sidewalks and along roads.
But having them roam SoHo streets is illegal — the DOT argued, citing provisions of vehicle and traffic law, including one that bans motor vehicles from the sidewalks.
(NYC tells FedEx to get their delivery robots ‘off our streets.’ New York Post. November 25, 2019.)
Hasta la vista
意味はさようなら、また会おう、というところですが、英語だと"See you again."とでもなるそうです。
ネットで検索すると人気映画のターミネーターが出てくるのですが、映画で主人公のターミネーターのセリフとして有名らしく、映画中でターミネーターが言った"Hasta la vista, baby."というセリフが有名なったそうです。
今日はここまで、それでは皆さん、Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista, robot.
New York City on Monday warned FedEx to ‘terminate’ any operation of its delivery robots in the Big Apple, after a fleet of the androids were spotted rolling around lower Manhattan last week.
The delivery machines, which are still being tested, use artificial intelligence, motion sensors and stair-climbing wheels to travel on sidewalks and along roads.
But having them roam SoHo streets is illegal — the DOT argued, citing provisions of vehicle and traffic law, including one that bans motor vehicles from the sidewalks.
(NYC tells FedEx to get their delivery robots ‘off our streets.’ New York Post. November 25, 2019.)
Hasta la vista
意味はさようなら、また会おう、というところですが、英語だと"See you again."とでもなるそうです。
ネットで検索すると人気映画のターミネーターが出てくるのですが、映画で主人公のターミネーターのセリフとして有名らしく、映画中でターミネーターが言った"Hasta la vista, baby."というセリフが有名なったそうです。
今日はここまで、それでは皆さん、Hasta la vista!
Be my guest.
“Be my guest.”
“Be my guest.” This common English expression means “Do as you wish, feel free”. Yet this is rarely how we treat a visitor. Every invitation contains an unspoken code of admission.
Sometimes, as is happening with Germany’s judicial process for asylum, the code is made deliberately obscure, so complex as to confound the very notion of welcome. In order to keep the coalition government intact, and appease its more reactionary elements, in 2018 the German parliament agreed to the creation of the so-called Ankerzentrum. The word, which also means “anchor centre”, is an acronym for Ankommen Entscheidung Rückkehr – “Arrival Decision Return”.
The centres are intended as mass transit hubs to accommodate all asylum seekers, effectively immobilising them from the moment they reach Germany until their applications are approved, or they are deported – a process that can take up to two years.
(Make yourselves at home: the meaning of hospitality in a divided world. The Guardian. October 29, 2019.)
A Bath resident has taken photographs of badly parked cars and has sarcastically captioned the collection online as ‘please, be my guest, park wherever you like’.
Twitter user @landatthebottom took photos of six vehicles parked on pavements in and around Widcombe Parade on Wednesday morning (November 20).
(Richard Mills. ‘Please, be my guest, park wherever you like’ - anger over badly parked cars in Bath. The Somerset Live. November 21, 2019.)
“Be my guest.” This common English expression means “Do as you wish, feel free”. Yet this is rarely how we treat a visitor. Every invitation contains an unspoken code of admission.
Sometimes, as is happening with Germany’s judicial process for asylum, the code is made deliberately obscure, so complex as to confound the very notion of welcome. In order to keep the coalition government intact, and appease its more reactionary elements, in 2018 the German parliament agreed to the creation of the so-called Ankerzentrum. The word, which also means “anchor centre”, is an acronym for Ankommen Entscheidung Rückkehr – “Arrival Decision Return”.
The centres are intended as mass transit hubs to accommodate all asylum seekers, effectively immobilising them from the moment they reach Germany until their applications are approved, or they are deported – a process that can take up to two years.
(Make yourselves at home: the meaning of hospitality in a divided world. The Guardian. October 29, 2019.)
A Bath resident has taken photographs of badly parked cars and has sarcastically captioned the collection online as ‘please, be my guest, park wherever you like’.
Twitter user @landatthebottom took photos of six vehicles parked on pavements in and around Widcombe Parade on Wednesday morning (November 20).
(Richard Mills. ‘Please, be my guest, park wherever you like’ - anger over badly parked cars in Bath. The Somerset Live. November 21, 2019.)
A Utah woman has been charged with lewdness in her own home after her stepchildren walked into the room and saw her bare chest.
Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah argued this week that the statute under which Tilli Buchanan, 27, was charged is unconstitutional, and they have asked a judge to drop the charges against her and change the state law.
Buchanan and her husband had been installing drywall in the garage and had taken off their shirts that were itchy from the fibers, she told The Salt Lake Tribune.
(Laurel Wamsley. Utah Woman Charged With Lewdness After Being Topless In Her Own Home. NPR. November 21, 2019.)
Now the state has charged Buchanan with three charges of lewdness involving a child. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor.
Though her husband was similarly clad, he was not charged with a crime.
The state's lewdness statute criminalizes exposure of "the female breast below the top of the areola" in the presence of a child in a private place "under circumstances the person should know will likely cause affront or alarm."
exposure of "the female breast below the top of the areola"
それにしても法律での表現というのは解釈にブレがないように厳密でなければならないためか、"below the top of the areola"とは随分持って回った言い方というか、分かりにくい表現です。
A Utah woman has been charged with lewdness in her own home after her stepchildren walked into the room and saw her bare chest.
Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah argued this week that the statute under which Tilli Buchanan, 27, was charged is unconstitutional, and they have asked a judge to drop the charges against her and change the state law.
Buchanan and her husband had been installing drywall in the garage and had taken off their shirts that were itchy from the fibers, she told The Salt Lake Tribune.
(Laurel Wamsley. Utah Woman Charged With Lewdness After Being Topless In Her Own Home. NPR. November 21, 2019.)
Now the state has charged Buchanan with three charges of lewdness involving a child. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor.
Though her husband was similarly clad, he was not charged with a crime.
The state's lewdness statute criminalizes exposure of "the female breast below the top of the areola" in the presence of a child in a private place "under circumstances the person should know will likely cause affront or alarm."
exposure of "the female breast below the top of the areola"
それにしても法律での表現というのは解釈にブレがないように厳密でなければならないためか、"below the top of the areola"とは随分持って回った言い方というか、分かりにくい表現です。
Many husbands still want to be the “man of the house.”
In fact, if a man’s wife starts contributing even half of the household income, he starts suffering psychological distress, according to a new study published on International Men’s Day — which, coincidentally, is a date intended to raise awareness of men’s issues, such as mental health and toxic masculinity.
Dr. Joanna Syrda, an economist at the University of Bath’s School of Management, studied more than 6,000 American heterosexual couples over 15 years. And she found that men were at their most anxious when they were the sole breadwinner at home, burdened with the responsibility of paying all the bills. But their stress also spiked if their wives became the breadwinners, instead.
(Nicole Lyn Pesche. Men stress out if they’re not the breadwinner: study. New York Post. November 20, 2019.)
Many husbands still want to be the “man of the house.”
In fact, if a man’s wife starts contributing even half of the household income, he starts suffering psychological distress, according to a new study published on International Men’s Day — which, coincidentally, is a date intended to raise awareness of men’s issues, such as mental health and toxic masculinity.
Dr. Joanna Syrda, an economist at the University of Bath’s School of Management, studied more than 6,000 American heterosexual couples over 15 years. And she found that men were at their most anxious when they were the sole breadwinner at home, burdened with the responsibility of paying all the bills. But their stress also spiked if their wives became the breadwinners, instead.
(Nicole Lyn Pesche. Men stress out if they’re not the breadwinner: study. New York Post. November 20, 2019.)
A former British Airways exec allegedly took $5 million in bribes in a pay-to-play scheme for lucrative airport contracts, Attorney General Letitia James announced Tuesday.
Steven Clark, 61, allegedly took monthly bribes of up to $18,000 from the ex-CEO of Ground Services International (GSI), Jeff Kinsella, 59, for five years in exchange for getting his company work with British Airways in Terminal 7 of JFK airport, according to James’ office.
The scheme — which was allegedly carried out from 2011 to 2016 — involved Clark billing GSI using fake invoices for consulting services he never performed. And Kinsella also gave him five percent in GSI shares, the AG’s office alleged.
Clark allegedly successfully advocated for British Airways to grant contracts to GSI to perform ground handling services for the airline at Chicago and JFK airports in 2006 and 2007 and after that GSI was given contracts in other US airports too, the AG’s office claimed.
(Priscilla DeGregory. Ex-British Airways exec took $5M in bribes in pay-to-play scheme: AG. New York Post. November 19, 2019.)
bribes in a pay-to-play scheme
Any of various arrangements in which payment is rendered in exchange for a specific right, service, or privilege, often one for which a charge would not always be expected
(American Heritage Dictionary)
one in which political influence or appointments are given in exchange for contributions to a party or candidate;
one in which producers or distributors pay for favorable placements of their products
"pay-to-play"の"play"からは遊ぶ、(スポーツなどの)プレーをする、という意味がすぐに想起されるところですが、仕事をもらうためには(to play)、賄賂を払わなくては(pay)ならない、というように読ませるというのは面白いものがあります。
A former British Airways exec allegedly took $5 million in bribes in a pay-to-play scheme for lucrative airport contracts, Attorney General Letitia James announced Tuesday.
Steven Clark, 61, allegedly took monthly bribes of up to $18,000 from the ex-CEO of Ground Services International (GSI), Jeff Kinsella, 59, for five years in exchange for getting his company work with British Airways in Terminal 7 of JFK airport, according to James’ office.
The scheme — which was allegedly carried out from 2011 to 2016 — involved Clark billing GSI using fake invoices for consulting services he never performed. And Kinsella also gave him five percent in GSI shares, the AG’s office alleged.
Clark allegedly successfully advocated for British Airways to grant contracts to GSI to perform ground handling services for the airline at Chicago and JFK airports in 2006 and 2007 and after that GSI was given contracts in other US airports too, the AG’s office claimed.
(Priscilla DeGregory. Ex-British Airways exec took $5M in bribes in pay-to-play scheme: AG. New York Post. November 19, 2019.)
bribes in a pay-to-play scheme
Any of various arrangements in which payment is rendered in exchange for a specific right, service, or privilege, often one for which a charge would not always be expected
(American Heritage Dictionary)
one in which political influence or appointments are given in exchange for contributions to a party or candidate;
one in which producers or distributors pay for favorable placements of their products
"pay-to-play"の"play"からは遊ぶ、(スポーツなどの)プレーをする、という意味がすぐに想起されるところですが、仕事をもらうためには(to play)、賄賂を払わなくては(pay)ならない、というように読ませるというのは面白いものがあります。
米で薬物追放キャンペーンが物議 ― on
"Meth. We're on it."
"We're on it."の"it"は紛れもなく"meth"を指しているでしょうから、これを読んだ人はドキッとするのではないでしょうか。
Looks like they really ‘methed’ this one up.
South Dakota on Monday launched a nearly half-a-million dollar methamphetamine prevention campaign — with a head-scratching slogan. The anti-drug crusade’s website is OnMeth.com and the logo is an outline of the Mount Rushmore State with the phrase: “Meth. We’re on it.”
TV ads, billboards and posters about South Dakota’s growing epidemic feature people of all demographics saying, “I’m on meth.”
The state’s Department of Social Services paid Minneapolis-based marketing and ad agency Broadhead Co. nearly $449,000 to create the campaign, according to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.
The seemingly contradictory motto left some folks confused and prompted guffaws from others.
(Tamar Lapin. South Dakota’s new ‘on meth’ campaign prompts ridicule, confusion. New York Post. November 18, 2019.)
In a video message announcing the campaign, Gov. Kristi Noem explained the tagline’s meaning as, “Each one of us, no matter who we are, we’re on the case of meth.”
“This campaign is going to be about solutions and hope and how every single one of us in South Dakota can partner to be on meth,” Noem said.
しかし、単に"We're on it (=meth)"だと、誰もが薬物をやっているというようにも取れなくもありません。実際、多くの人がそのような解釈をしたために、SNSなどで物議を醸しているという訳です。
前置詞onの解釈は多様ではありますが、省略されたコンテクストではその意味するところが今回のような騒動を引き起こすこともあるという実例かと思われました。(引用した記事の冒頭部分、"meth(ed) up"は"mess(ed) up"をもじったしゃれですね。)
"Meth. We're on it."
"We're on it."の"it"は紛れもなく"meth"を指しているでしょうから、これを読んだ人はドキッとするのではないでしょうか。
Looks like they really ‘methed’ this one up.
South Dakota on Monday launched a nearly half-a-million dollar methamphetamine prevention campaign — with a head-scratching slogan. The anti-drug crusade’s website is OnMeth.com and the logo is an outline of the Mount Rushmore State with the phrase: “Meth. We’re on it.”
TV ads, billboards and posters about South Dakota’s growing epidemic feature people of all demographics saying, “I’m on meth.”
The state’s Department of Social Services paid Minneapolis-based marketing and ad agency Broadhead Co. nearly $449,000 to create the campaign, according to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.
The seemingly contradictory motto left some folks confused and prompted guffaws from others.
(Tamar Lapin. South Dakota’s new ‘on meth’ campaign prompts ridicule, confusion. New York Post. November 18, 2019.)
In a video message announcing the campaign, Gov. Kristi Noem explained the tagline’s meaning as, “Each one of us, no matter who we are, we’re on the case of meth.”
“This campaign is going to be about solutions and hope and how every single one of us in South Dakota can partner to be on meth,” Noem said.
しかし、単に"We're on it (=meth)"だと、誰もが薬物をやっているというようにも取れなくもありません。実際、多くの人がそのような解釈をしたために、SNSなどで物議を醸しているという訳です。
前置詞onの解釈は多様ではありますが、省略されたコンテクストではその意味するところが今回のような騒動を引き起こすこともあるという実例かと思われました。(引用した記事の冒頭部分、"meth(ed) up"は"mess(ed) up"をもじったしゃれですね。)
Honest John
“Honest John”という表現をご存知でしょうか。
研究社の大英和にはこの表現が載っているのですが、American HeritageやMerriam-Websterではエントリがありませんでした。
You can be an honest John and work hard all your life. Then you get older and get sick and some jerk takes it all away from you. It's like bam! Your life is suddenly in someone else's pocket, " says Campeau.
(USA Today, 1993)
Conning Honest John
Why do so many people fall for financial scams?
In hindsight, david carter sees the deal differently. The 63-year-old has a Master’s degree in technology. A successful career meant he found a six-figure salary offer perfectly plausible. He knew from reading newspapers that tech stocks were up and the job market was hot. So when an email offered him a job with a Swiss firm at a $100,000 salary, he took it.
Mr Carter never saw a penny. Instead he owes $80,000, which he is paying off from his retirement savings. The job was too good to be true. All he had to do was use his credit card to buy iPhones and iPads. He started in June, buying them at Best Buy and Walmart and sending them from his home in Maryland to an address in California. The company paid his credit-card bill—for a few weeks. In July those payments were voided. His bank said the debts were his. The company’s website vanished. The people he had spoken to stopped answering the phone.
(The Economist; December 8, 2018)
あまり褒め言葉にはならない呼称ということでは、"plain Jane"と似たものがあります。
研究社の大英和にはこの表現が載っているのですが、American HeritageやMerriam-Websterではエントリがありませんでした。
You can be an honest John and work hard all your life. Then you get older and get sick and some jerk takes it all away from you. It's like bam! Your life is suddenly in someone else's pocket, " says Campeau.
(USA Today, 1993)
Conning Honest John
Why do so many people fall for financial scams?
In hindsight, david carter sees the deal differently. The 63-year-old has a Master’s degree in technology. A successful career meant he found a six-figure salary offer perfectly plausible. He knew from reading newspapers that tech stocks were up and the job market was hot. So when an email offered him a job with a Swiss firm at a $100,000 salary, he took it.
Mr Carter never saw a penny. Instead he owes $80,000, which he is paying off from his retirement savings. The job was too good to be true. All he had to do was use his credit card to buy iPhones and iPads. He started in June, buying them at Best Buy and Walmart and sending them from his home in Maryland to an address in California. The company paid his credit-card bill—for a few weeks. In July those payments were voided. His bank said the debts were his. The company’s website vanished. The people he had spoken to stopped answering the phone.
(The Economist; December 8, 2018)
あまり褒め言葉にはならない呼称ということでは、"plain Jane"と似たものがあります。
Google NewsやCorpusで検索して拾ってみました。
(CNN) — By this time next year, we'll know whether President Donald Trump was a fluke or not.
Today is one year out from the vote count that will be a pivot point in history, no matter how it goes. Will Americans validate the rule-breaking and fact-bending Trump presidency that scorns the post-World War II international system? Or will they return the world's most powerful nation -- at least for now -- to a more traditional path?
History suggests that Trump's low approval ratings spell doom for a second term. He is also nearly certain to be impeached by the Democrat-majority House.
(Stephen Collinson. In one year, we'll know if Trump was a fluke or not. CNN. November 4, 2019.)
To date,' Mamma Mia!' has generated $ 432 million. (中略) Craymer calls her success' a sheer fluke,' but the numbers argue that it was a savvy and swift global business plan that will be emulated for years to come.
(Dever Post, 2002.)
Wednesday’s weather was certainly a fluke, a most desirable one though. Weak easterly winds broke our inversion, brought warm air aloft over the metro area for highs in the upper 60s.
Don’t get used to that, however, as things will cool off again and any east winds will cease shortly and we go back into the inversion stuff.
(Patrick Timm. Weather Eye: Wednesday’s warmth was a fluke; cool temperatures to return. The Columbian. November 7, 2019.)
Google NewsやCorpusで検索して拾ってみました。
(CNN) — By this time next year, we'll know whether President Donald Trump was a fluke or not.
Today is one year out from the vote count that will be a pivot point in history, no matter how it goes. Will Americans validate the rule-breaking and fact-bending Trump presidency that scorns the post-World War II international system? Or will they return the world's most powerful nation -- at least for now -- to a more traditional path?
History suggests that Trump's low approval ratings spell doom for a second term. He is also nearly certain to be impeached by the Democrat-majority House.
(Stephen Collinson. In one year, we'll know if Trump was a fluke or not. CNN. November 4, 2019.)
To date,' Mamma Mia!' has generated $ 432 million. (中略) Craymer calls her success' a sheer fluke,' but the numbers argue that it was a savvy and swift global business plan that will be emulated for years to come.
(Dever Post, 2002.)
Wednesday’s weather was certainly a fluke, a most desirable one though. Weak easterly winds broke our inversion, brought warm air aloft over the metro area for highs in the upper 60s.
Don’t get used to that, however, as things will cool off again and any east winds will cease shortly and we go back into the inversion stuff.
(Patrick Timm. Weather Eye: Wednesday’s warmth was a fluke; cool temperatures to return. The Columbian. November 7, 2019.)
on one's knee
"Venice is on its knees," Mayor Luigi Brugnaro says as the lagoon city suffers through some of the worst flooding in its history. The highest tide in 50 years has brought seawater that is threatening monuments and works of art in the historic city.
With more than 85 percent of the city flooded, Brugnaro says the city is in a state of emergency and that he has asked Italy's government for help.
Water driven by strong winds and storms overwhelmed seawalls and smashed brick docks, shoving boats into streets and leaving parts of landmarks such as St. Mark's Basilica and La Fenice Opera House underwater. Although the crypt at St. Mark's has been flooded, a member of the management board tells Italian news agency ANSA the main concern is that water may have damaged the basilica's support columns.
(Bill Chappell. 'Venice Is On Its Knees': Mayor Blames Worst Flood Tide In 50 Years On Climate Change. NPR. November 13, 2019.)
"Venice is on its knees"
「膝まで水に浸かって」と書きましたが、ここで"on one's knees"というのは慣用句で、
"Venice is on its knees," Mayor Luigi Brugnaro says as the lagoon city suffers through some of the worst flooding in its history. The highest tide in 50 years has brought seawater that is threatening monuments and works of art in the historic city.
With more than 85 percent of the city flooded, Brugnaro says the city is in a state of emergency and that he has asked Italy's government for help.
Water driven by strong winds and storms overwhelmed seawalls and smashed brick docks, shoving boats into streets and leaving parts of landmarks such as St. Mark's Basilica and La Fenice Opera House underwater. Although the crypt at St. Mark's has been flooded, a member of the management board tells Italian news agency ANSA the main concern is that water may have damaged the basilica's support columns.
(Bill Chappell. 'Venice Is On Its Knees': Mayor Blames Worst Flood Tide In 50 Years On Climate Change. NPR. November 13, 2019.)
"Venice is on its knees"
「膝まで水に浸かって」と書きましたが、ここで"on one's knees"というのは慣用句で、
tinfoil hat
So, what happens once your health data — anything from your step count to your diet — are shared or sold to a company? Most often, it’s nothing too scary, says Schober: Typically, advertisers use health data to better target their ads with “no sinister intent.”
But that doesn’t mean things can’t get sinister.
For instance, if outside parties — such as insurance companies and prospective employers — get a hold of your health data, the ramifications could extend to big insurance premiums and even missed career opportunities.
(Melkorka Licea. All the scary ways health apps are using your data. New York Post. November 11, 2019.)
Here, he and fellow experts break down the potential pitfalls of uploading your health information to your phone — and share their best advice on how to keep your private info private without going full tinfoil-hat.
この"tinfoil hat"という表現はあまり見慣れないものではないでしょうか?
つまり、説明の通りなんですが、"going full tinfoil-hat"とは、巨大IT企業が無償で提供する検索エンジンや最新のテクノロジーによって人々の行動や嗜好性が丸裸にされてしまうことへの恐れから自衛的な手段を取ること、と言えるでしょうか。
So, what happens once your health data — anything from your step count to your diet — are shared or sold to a company? Most often, it’s nothing too scary, says Schober: Typically, advertisers use health data to better target their ads with “no sinister intent.”
But that doesn’t mean things can’t get sinister.
For instance, if outside parties — such as insurance companies and prospective employers — get a hold of your health data, the ramifications could extend to big insurance premiums and even missed career opportunities.
(Melkorka Licea. All the scary ways health apps are using your data. New York Post. November 11, 2019.)
Here, he and fellow experts break down the potential pitfalls of uploading your health information to your phone — and share their best advice on how to keep your private info private without going full tinfoil-hat.
この"tinfoil hat"という表現はあまり見慣れないものではないでしょうか?
つまり、説明の通りなんですが、"going full tinfoil-hat"とは、巨大IT企業が無償で提供する検索エンジンや最新のテクノロジーによって人々の行動や嗜好性が丸裸にされてしまうことへの恐れから自衛的な手段を取ること、と言えるでしょうか。
counting steps, or overstepping? ― overstep
Is fitness tech counting steps — or overstepping?
Last week, Twitter users flew into a panic after learning that Google is acquiring Fitbit, the trendy fitness-tracking watch, for $2.1 billion. The freakout centered on user data — specifically, Fitbit users’ concerns that their exercise, food, weight and sleep data would become less secure. Although Fitbit said in a press release that it will “never sell” personal information, and promised that “Fitbit health and wellness data will not be used for Google ads,” users are skeptical.
And they may have reason to be concerned, according to NYC lawyer Gary Schober.
“Once you sign onto an app … you’re often just giving everything away,” the cybersecurity specialist tells The Post.
(Melkorka Licea. All the scary ways health apps are using your data. New York Post. November 11, 2019.)
Is fitness tech counting steps — or overstepping?
Is fitness tech counting steps — or overstepping?
Last week, Twitter users flew into a panic after learning that Google is acquiring Fitbit, the trendy fitness-tracking watch, for $2.1 billion. The freakout centered on user data — specifically, Fitbit users’ concerns that their exercise, food, weight and sleep data would become less secure. Although Fitbit said in a press release that it will “never sell” personal information, and promised that “Fitbit health and wellness data will not be used for Google ads,” users are skeptical.
And they may have reason to be concerned, according to NYC lawyer Gary Schober.
“Once you sign onto an app … you’re often just giving everything away,” the cybersecurity specialist tells The Post.
(Melkorka Licea. All the scary ways health apps are using your data. New York Post. November 11, 2019.)
Is fitness tech counting steps — or overstepping?
Singles Day
With almost $31 billion in retail sales last year alone, China's yearly 24-hour 11/11 Global Shopping Festival is now bigger than Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the weekend in between combined. Adobe Analytics predicts this year's five-day Thanksgiving weekend will drive about $29 billion in retail sales, both online and in-store. So, why have so few Americans even heard of Singles Day?
The history of the world's biggest shopping day of the year begins with a much smaller, lonelier numeral -- the number 1. The unofficial Chinese holiday celebrated every Nov. 11 started out as Singles Day in 1993, when students at Nanjing University in China's Jiangsu province began hosting singles parties meant to counter the negative social stigma associated with singlehood. Since this was a holiday designed to bring singles together, they chose the date with the most 1s -- 11/11 -- to celebrate. And it only grew from there, especially after being supercharged by Chinese retail giants Alibaba and JD in the more recent online era -- right down to including a giant Taylor Swift concert to boot.
(Dale Smith. Move over, Black Friday: These are the best Singles Day 2019 deals available now. CNET. November 10, 2019.)
アメリカ国内での消費者商品の売上が最大となるのがこの日、11月11日であるという統計があるそうです。昨年の売上高は何と310億ドル、Thanksgiving Holidayやクリスマス商戦となる11月末からの売上の総合計よりも大きいということです。
中国では1993年頃から、11月11日をSingles Dayという「非公式の」祝日扱いにしてきたという背景があります。この"Singles Day"は独身者を励ますということで、単身、すなわち数字の1が並ぶこの日をそのように呼ぶようになったらしいですが、巨大な数で世界を圧倒せんばかりの中国人勢力が消費者商品の市場にも大きな影響を及ぼしているものと思われます。
ところで、11月11日というのはアメリカにおいてはVeteran's Day(日本語では退役軍人の日)ということで、第一次、第二次世界大戦の休戦を記念した祝日です。(かつては、Armistice Dayとも。)
このVeteran's Dayがいつのまにか中国のSingles Dayに取って代わられようとしているのでしょうか。アメリカ人の嘆きや如何に。
With almost $31 billion in retail sales last year alone, China's yearly 24-hour 11/11 Global Shopping Festival is now bigger than Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the weekend in between combined. Adobe Analytics predicts this year's five-day Thanksgiving weekend will drive about $29 billion in retail sales, both online and in-store. So, why have so few Americans even heard of Singles Day?
The history of the world's biggest shopping day of the year begins with a much smaller, lonelier numeral -- the number 1. The unofficial Chinese holiday celebrated every Nov. 11 started out as Singles Day in 1993, when students at Nanjing University in China's Jiangsu province began hosting singles parties meant to counter the negative social stigma associated with singlehood. Since this was a holiday designed to bring singles together, they chose the date with the most 1s -- 11/11 -- to celebrate. And it only grew from there, especially after being supercharged by Chinese retail giants Alibaba and JD in the more recent online era -- right down to including a giant Taylor Swift concert to boot.
(Dale Smith. Move over, Black Friday: These are the best Singles Day 2019 deals available now. CNET. November 10, 2019.)
アメリカ国内での消費者商品の売上が最大となるのがこの日、11月11日であるという統計があるそうです。昨年の売上高は何と310億ドル、Thanksgiving Holidayやクリスマス商戦となる11月末からの売上の総合計よりも大きいということです。
中国では1993年頃から、11月11日をSingles Dayという「非公式の」祝日扱いにしてきたという背景があります。この"Singles Day"は独身者を励ますということで、単身、すなわち数字の1が並ぶこの日をそのように呼ぶようになったらしいですが、巨大な数で世界を圧倒せんばかりの中国人勢力が消費者商品の市場にも大きな影響を及ぼしているものと思われます。
ところで、11月11日というのはアメリカにおいてはVeteran's Day(日本語では退役軍人の日)ということで、第一次、第二次世界大戦の休戦を記念した祝日です。(かつては、Armistice Dayとも。)
このVeteran's Dayがいつのまにか中国のSingles Dayに取って代わられようとしているのでしょうか。アメリカ人の嘆きや如何に。
The 25-year-old lawmaker was just 40 seconds into her speech about the dire importance of stricter climate change policy when a heckle rang through the mostly empty hearing room.
“In the year 2050, I will be 56 years old; yet, right now, the average age of this 52nd Parliament is 49 years old,” said Chlöe Swarbrick, a member of the New Zealand Parliament, emphasizing that the burden of dealing with a climate crisis will fall on her generation and those who come after.
As she spoke, one of her colleagues jeered at her age, shouting something indiscernible from his seat. With devastating concision, and like legions of teens on TikTok before her, Swarbrick replied without missing a beat: “OK, boomer,” she said, then continued her remarks.
(Reis Thebault. ‘OK, boomer’: 25-year-old lawmaker shuts down heckler during climate change speech. The Washington Post. November 6, 2019.)
The 25-year-old lawmaker was just 40 seconds into her speech about the dire importance of stricter climate change policy when a heckle rang through the mostly empty hearing room.
“In the year 2050, I will be 56 years old; yet, right now, the average age of this 52nd Parliament is 49 years old,” said Chlöe Swarbrick, a member of the New Zealand Parliament, emphasizing that the burden of dealing with a climate crisis will fall on her generation and those who come after.
As she spoke, one of her colleagues jeered at her age, shouting something indiscernible from his seat. With devastating concision, and like legions of teens on TikTok before her, Swarbrick replied without missing a beat: “OK, boomer,” she said, then continued her remarks.
(Reis Thebault. ‘OK, boomer’: 25-year-old lawmaker shuts down heckler during climate change speech. The Washington Post. November 6, 2019.)
(CNN) — A 25-year-old New Zealand lawmaker giving a speech supporting a climate crisis bill was heckled by an older member of Parliament. Her witty response baffled her audience, to the delight of millennials everywhere.
Chlöe Swarbrick was speaking about the Zero Carbon Bill, which would set a target of zero carbon emissions for the country by 2050. When she was heckled, she casually dropped a sharp-tongued retort — "OK boomer" — and, unfazed, continued talking amid the puzzlement and silence of the room.
The term, a viral meme among millennials and Generation Z, exploded this year on the TikTok social media app, where countless mocking videos are calling out what young people perceive as out-of-touch Baby Boomers and their patronizing opinions.
(Gianluca Mezzofiore. A 25-year-old politician got heckled during a climate crisis speech. Her deadpan retort: 'OK, boomer'. CNN. November 6, 2019.)
"OK boomer"
この"boomer"は"baby boomer"から来ています。つまりベビーブーム世代に生まれた人たちということになりますが、侮辱的な表現として使われます。
「世代間格差」と言うのにふさわしいと思われますが、ミレニアル世代と呼ばれる20代やGeneration Zと呼ばれる10代の若者からすると、彼らから見た親世代というものは何かにつけて自分達のことを否定するうっとうしい存在になる訳で、そんな時に毒づくのが、
(CNN) — A 25-year-old New Zealand lawmaker giving a speech supporting a climate crisis bill was heckled by an older member of Parliament. Her witty response baffled her audience, to the delight of millennials everywhere.
Chlöe Swarbrick was speaking about the Zero Carbon Bill, which would set a target of zero carbon emissions for the country by 2050. When she was heckled, she casually dropped a sharp-tongued retort — "OK boomer" — and, unfazed, continued talking amid the puzzlement and silence of the room.
The term, a viral meme among millennials and Generation Z, exploded this year on the TikTok social media app, where countless mocking videos are calling out what young people perceive as out-of-touch Baby Boomers and their patronizing opinions.
(Gianluca Mezzofiore. A 25-year-old politician got heckled during a climate crisis speech. Her deadpan retort: 'OK, boomer'. CNN. November 6, 2019.)
"OK boomer"
この"boomer"は"baby boomer"から来ています。つまりベビーブーム世代に生まれた人たちということになりますが、侮辱的な表現として使われます。
「世代間格差」と言うのにふさわしいと思われますが、ミレニアル世代と呼ばれる20代やGeneration Zと呼ばれる10代の若者からすると、彼らから見た親世代というものは何かにつけて自分達のことを否定するうっとうしい存在になる訳で、そんな時に毒づくのが、
Just before the lunch rush hit at noon on a Tuesday, The New York Times dropped a porterhouse-shaped bomb on the Big Apple's culinary scene.
Pete Wells, The Times' restaurant critic, had given zero stars to Peter Luger Steak House, a 132-year-old Brooklyn restaurant considered an institution in New York.
Wells' review, published on October 29, was so scathing in its critique - comparing the service to one's experience at the DMV, calling the fries "mealy and bland" - that it quickly went viral and incited debate among New Yorkers and tourists alike.
(Anneta Konstantinides. I had lunch at Peter Luger after The New York Times gave the iconic steakhouse a scathing zero-star review, and ate one of the best burgers I've ever had. Insider. November 5, 2019.)
Essentially two steaks in one, a Porterhouse steak, cut from the short loin of (typically) a steer, has a filet on one side of its T-shaped bone, and a New York Strip on the other.
Presenting a massive plate of meat and often big enough for two to share, the Porterhouse has become a staple of American steak houses.
“Porterhouse steak”というのは、実に2人前のヴォリュームがある巨大なものだと分かります。
いわゆる"porterhouse steak"の発祥を主張する土地はニューヨークシティを始めいくつかあるようですが、どの都市にしても決定的な証拠に欠けるそうです。
Just before the lunch rush hit at noon on a Tuesday, The New York Times dropped a porterhouse-shaped bomb on the Big Apple's culinary scene.
Pete Wells, The Times' restaurant critic, had given zero stars to Peter Luger Steak House, a 132-year-old Brooklyn restaurant considered an institution in New York.
Wells' review, published on October 29, was so scathing in its critique - comparing the service to one's experience at the DMV, calling the fries "mealy and bland" - that it quickly went viral and incited debate among New Yorkers and tourists alike.
(Anneta Konstantinides. I had lunch at Peter Luger after The New York Times gave the iconic steakhouse a scathing zero-star review, and ate one of the best burgers I've ever had. Insider. November 5, 2019.)
Essentially two steaks in one, a Porterhouse steak, cut from the short loin of (typically) a steer, has a filet on one side of its T-shaped bone, and a New York Strip on the other.
Presenting a massive plate of meat and often big enough for two to share, the Porterhouse has become a staple of American steak houses.
“Porterhouse steak”というのは、実に2人前のヴォリュームがある巨大なものだと分かります。
いわゆる"porterhouse steak"の発祥を主張する土地はニューヨークシティを始めいくつかあるようですが、どの都市にしても決定的な証拠に欠けるそうです。
(CNN) — Epicures searching for foie gras in New York City will have to look elsewhere starting in 2022.
New York will ban restaurants and grocery stores from selling foie gras, after the bill passed the city council Wednesday. Mayor Bill de Blasio's office confirmed to CNN in an email that he will sign the bill into law.
The ban comes amid increasing scrutiny on foie gras. The bill calls the luxury good a "force-fed product" and, in a statement to CNN, councilwoman Carlina Rivera -- the prime sponsor of the bill -- called force-feeding an "inhumane practice."
(Leah Asmelash. New York City will ban restaurants and grocery stores from selling foie gras. CNN. October 31, 2019.)
(CNN) — Epicures searching for foie gras in New York City will have to look elsewhere starting in 2022.
New York will ban restaurants and grocery stores from selling foie gras, after the bill passed the city council Wednesday. Mayor Bill de Blasio's office confirmed to CNN in an email that he will sign the bill into law.
The ban comes amid increasing scrutiny on foie gras. The bill calls the luxury good a "force-fed product" and, in a statement to CNN, councilwoman Carlina Rivera -- the prime sponsor of the bill -- called force-feeding an "inhumane practice."
(Leah Asmelash. New York City will ban restaurants and grocery stores from selling foie gras. CNN. October 31, 2019.)
(CNN) — It's 3 a.m. and you're wide awake for the second night in a row. You get up and stumble to the kitchen for some warm milk mom swears will put you to sleep.
So why are you eating a bowl of ice cream with a side of cookies?
"When you're sleep deprived, you're not like, 'Oh, you know what, I want some carrots,' " said behavioral neuroscientist Erin Hanlon, who studies the connection between brain systems and behavior at the University of Chicago.
(Sandee LaMotte. There's a scientific reason you crave junk food when you don't get enough sleep. CNN. October 23, 2019.)
Simply put, a lack of sleep triggers ancient instincts that yearn for rich, sweet, fatty foods.
"Evolutionarily speaking, it was a big deal to have a high carb, high fat meal, because you didn't necessarily have those all of the time," explained Hanlon, also a research assistant professor.
But food is food, so that doesn't explain why we crave candy instead of carrots.
To answer that, you have to look at another system of the body: The endocannabinoid system. Its job is to keep our body in homeostasis, or equilibrium and it regulates everything from sleep to appetite to inflammation to pain and more.
Endocannabinoids bind to the same receptors as the active ingredient in marijuana, which as we know, often triggers the "munchies."
Researchers now believe it could be the endocannabinoid system that triggers our hedonistic cravings for fatty, starchy and sugary foods.
(CNN) — It's 3 a.m. and you're wide awake for the second night in a row. You get up and stumble to the kitchen for some warm milk mom swears will put you to sleep.
So why are you eating a bowl of ice cream with a side of cookies?
"When you're sleep deprived, you're not like, 'Oh, you know what, I want some carrots,' " said behavioral neuroscientist Erin Hanlon, who studies the connection between brain systems and behavior at the University of Chicago.
(Sandee LaMotte. There's a scientific reason you crave junk food when you don't get enough sleep. CNN. October 23, 2019.)
Simply put, a lack of sleep triggers ancient instincts that yearn for rich, sweet, fatty foods.
"Evolutionarily speaking, it was a big deal to have a high carb, high fat meal, because you didn't necessarily have those all of the time," explained Hanlon, also a research assistant professor.
But food is food, so that doesn't explain why we crave candy instead of carrots.
To answer that, you have to look at another system of the body: The endocannabinoid system. Its job is to keep our body in homeostasis, or equilibrium and it regulates everything from sleep to appetite to inflammation to pain and more.
Endocannabinoids bind to the same receptors as the active ingredient in marijuana, which as we know, often triggers the "munchies."
Researchers now believe it could be the endocannabinoid system that triggers our hedonistic cravings for fatty, starchy and sugary foods.
昨日の投稿で話題にした"cancel culture"の続きとなりますが、関連してもう一つ取り上げたい表現があります。
Former US President Barack Obama has challenged "woke" culture telling young people: "The world is messy."
He made the comments at the Obama Foundation's annual summit in Chicago on Tuesday.
Mr Obama said that calling people out on social media did not bring about change, and that change was complex.
"Woke" is described as being alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice, along with being aware of what's going on in the community.
Mr Obama told the audience: "I get a sense among certain young people on social media that the way of making change is to be as judgemental as possible about other people.
(Barack Obama challenges 'woke' culture. BBC News. October 30, 2019.)
引用部分に"woke"という単語の意味するところが説明されていますが、American Heritage Dictionaryではスラングという扱いで、下記のような定義となっています。
Aware of the injustice of the social system in which one lives
これが行き過ぎると、例えば不穏当な発言をした個人に対するバッシングという事になってしまう訳ですが、昨日の"cancel culture"と同様に有名、無名を問わず、生きづらい世の中になっているようにも思えます。
Former US President Barack Obama has challenged "woke" culture telling young people: "The world is messy."
He made the comments at the Obama Foundation's annual summit in Chicago on Tuesday.
Mr Obama said that calling people out on social media did not bring about change, and that change was complex.
"Woke" is described as being alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice, along with being aware of what's going on in the community.
Mr Obama told the audience: "I get a sense among certain young people on social media that the way of making change is to be as judgemental as possible about other people.
(Barack Obama challenges 'woke' culture. BBC News. October 30, 2019.)
引用部分に"woke"という単語の意味するところが説明されていますが、American Heritage Dictionaryではスラングという扱いで、下記のような定義となっています。
Aware of the injustice of the social system in which one lives
これが行き過ぎると、例えば不穏当な発言をした個人に対するバッシングという事になってしまう訳ですが、昨日の"cancel culture"と同様に有名、無名を問わず、生きづらい世の中になっているようにも思えます。
cancel culture
知らなかったのですが、最近"cancel culture"なる言葉が流行っているようです。きっかけは以下の記事でした。
Barack Obama calls out cancel culture: ‘That’s not activism, that’s not bringing about change’
Former US president Barack Obama has called out cancel culture on the Internet, saying that it is not an effective form of activism.
On Tuesday, Obama attended the third annual Obama Foundation Summit in Illinois, Chicago, an event that featured a range of high-profile speakers including former US first lady Michelle Obama, director Ava Duvernay and Pose star Billy Porter.
While in conversation with actor and activist Yara Shahidi for a segment titled: “What can I do where I am?”, Obama spoke about the detrimental impact judging people too rashly on social media can have.
(Sabrina Barr. Barack Obama calls out cancel culture: ‘That’s not activism, that’s not bringing about change.’ The Independent. October 30, 2019.)
この"cancel culture"という言葉を知らなかったものですから、想像で読み進めるのですが、インターネットやSNSに関連した話ということは上記の引用部分からも分かりますので、何となくですが意味するところが想像つきました。
Obama stated that the danger of being too “judgemental” of people on social media is something he sees “particularly on college campuses”, and has been “accelerated by social media”.
“Like if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the wrong verb, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself. ‘Cause, ‘Man, you see how woke I was? I called you out’.”
ところで、"cancel culture"については、やはり最近の用語らしく、CNNの記事によれば以下のような説明がされています。
(CNN) — Name a celebrity who has ever said or done anything remotely controversial -- they've probably been canceled.
It's a growing phenomenon that's left almost no one unscathed, from comedians and actors to musicians and TV hosts.
Some people rail against this "cancel culture" while others say it's necessary. And a lot of people just have questions.
The dictionary definition of "cancel," per Merriam Webster, is to "destroy the force, effectiveness or validity of."
When people say they're canceling a famous person, that's essentially what they're trying to do. They want to take away their power or their cultural capital. They want to diminish their significance, whether it's a personal boycott or a public shaming.
(Leah Asmelash. Why 'cancel culture' doesn't always work. CNN. September 21, 2019.)
手元の辞書で"cancel culture"は勿論掲載されていませんし、動詞の"cancel"にも人を非難するといったような意味はありませんが、"cancel"の意味合いとして、有効性や実効性を削ぐという、意味合いがあることから、特に有名人や政治家に対して"cancel"するというのは、そのような立場の人の重要性(つまり地位)を無きものにするということであると解釈できます。
Barack Obama calls out cancel culture: ‘That’s not activism, that’s not bringing about change’
Former US president Barack Obama has called out cancel culture on the Internet, saying that it is not an effective form of activism.
On Tuesday, Obama attended the third annual Obama Foundation Summit in Illinois, Chicago, an event that featured a range of high-profile speakers including former US first lady Michelle Obama, director Ava Duvernay and Pose star Billy Porter.
While in conversation with actor and activist Yara Shahidi for a segment titled: “What can I do where I am?”, Obama spoke about the detrimental impact judging people too rashly on social media can have.
(Sabrina Barr. Barack Obama calls out cancel culture: ‘That’s not activism, that’s not bringing about change.’ The Independent. October 30, 2019.)
この"cancel culture"という言葉を知らなかったものですから、想像で読み進めるのですが、インターネットやSNSに関連した話ということは上記の引用部分からも分かりますので、何となくですが意味するところが想像つきました。
Obama stated that the danger of being too “judgemental” of people on social media is something he sees “particularly on college campuses”, and has been “accelerated by social media”.
“Like if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the wrong verb, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself. ‘Cause, ‘Man, you see how woke I was? I called you out’.”
ところで、"cancel culture"については、やはり最近の用語らしく、CNNの記事によれば以下のような説明がされています。
(CNN) — Name a celebrity who has ever said or done anything remotely controversial -- they've probably been canceled.
It's a growing phenomenon that's left almost no one unscathed, from comedians and actors to musicians and TV hosts.
Some people rail against this "cancel culture" while others say it's necessary. And a lot of people just have questions.
The dictionary definition of "cancel," per Merriam Webster, is to "destroy the force, effectiveness or validity of."
When people say they're canceling a famous person, that's essentially what they're trying to do. They want to take away their power or their cultural capital. They want to diminish their significance, whether it's a personal boycott or a public shaming.
(Leah Asmelash. Why 'cancel culture' doesn't always work. CNN. September 21, 2019.)
手元の辞書で"cancel culture"は勿論掲載されていませんし、動詞の"cancel"にも人を非難するといったような意味はありませんが、"cancel"の意味合いとして、有効性や実効性を削ぐという、意味合いがあることから、特に有名人や政治家に対して"cancel"するというのは、そのような立場の人の重要性(つまり地位)を無きものにするということであると解釈できます。
call the shots
Confused by Brexit? Get ready for “Wexit.”
Political leaders representing a large chunk of Canada are talking about breaking off from the rest of the country in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s reelection victory — and this time they’re not primarily in French-speaking Quebec, long known for its independent streak.
Instead, it’s the country’s western, oil-dependent provinces fueling the breathless talk of secession, amid a perception that Trudeau and eastern urban liberals are calling the shots at their expense. And it's emerging as one of Trudeau’s most complicated headaches as the prime minister moves toward the start of his second term next month.
(Trudeau victory prompts ‘Wexit’ talk in Canada’s West. Politico. October 29, 2019.)
a perception that Trudeau and eastern urban liberals are calling the shots at their expense
ここで、"call the shots"とは、采配を振るう、牛耳る、という意味の慣用句です。("call the tune"という表現もあり、同じ意味です。)
Confused by Brexit? Get ready for “Wexit.”
Political leaders representing a large chunk of Canada are talking about breaking off from the rest of the country in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s reelection victory — and this time they’re not primarily in French-speaking Quebec, long known for its independent streak.
Instead, it’s the country’s western, oil-dependent provinces fueling the breathless talk of secession, amid a perception that Trudeau and eastern urban liberals are calling the shots at their expense. And it's emerging as one of Trudeau’s most complicated headaches as the prime minister moves toward the start of his second term next month.
(Trudeau victory prompts ‘Wexit’ talk in Canada’s West. Politico. October 29, 2019.)
a perception that Trudeau and eastern urban liberals are calling the shots at their expense
ここで、"call the shots"とは、采配を振るう、牛耳る、という意味の慣用句です。("call the tune"という表現もあり、同じ意味です。)
観光公害 − overtourism
(CNN) — The nights are drawing in and temperatures are dropping in the Northern Hemisphere. And in Finnish Lapland, that means one thing: tourists are on the way, and they want husky rides.
That's becoming a problem. In 2016, the top tourist activity in Finnish Lapland was snowmobiling. Three years on, it's husky sledding. Around 4,000 huskies work in the tourism industry -- compared with just 660 reindeer.
But the sudden rise in husky rides is leading experts to warn that there are hidden costs to the popular travel activity, from animals flown in temporarily from Southern Europe, to poor animal welfare standards and dogs being put down when they reach retirement age.
(Julia Buckley. The latest victims of overtourism? Huskies. CNN. October 29, 2019.)
最近の表現だと思ったところが、2018年のOxford Word of the Yearにもなった単語なのだそうです。
Overtourism is fast becoming one of the most hotly debated issues in the modern age of travel. Thanks to cheaper air fares, rising incomes and social media's ability to laser focus attention on specific destinations, more travelers than ever before are descending on places that can no longer cope with their own popularity.
In the past few years, the number of destinations raising the alarm over this has steadily increased. In 2018, the Oxford English Dictionary made "overtourism," one of its words of the year -- it's defined as an excessive number of visitors heading to famous locations, damaging the environment and having a detrimental impact on resident's lives.
(Joe Minihane. Destination trouble: Can overtourism be stopped in its tracks? CNN. July 2, 2019.)
(CNN) — The nights are drawing in and temperatures are dropping in the Northern Hemisphere. And in Finnish Lapland, that means one thing: tourists are on the way, and they want husky rides.
That's becoming a problem. In 2016, the top tourist activity in Finnish Lapland was snowmobiling. Three years on, it's husky sledding. Around 4,000 huskies work in the tourism industry -- compared with just 660 reindeer.
But the sudden rise in husky rides is leading experts to warn that there are hidden costs to the popular travel activity, from animals flown in temporarily from Southern Europe, to poor animal welfare standards and dogs being put down when they reach retirement age.
(Julia Buckley. The latest victims of overtourism? Huskies. CNN. October 29, 2019.)
最近の表現だと思ったところが、2018年のOxford Word of the Yearにもなった単語なのだそうです。
Overtourism is fast becoming one of the most hotly debated issues in the modern age of travel. Thanks to cheaper air fares, rising incomes and social media's ability to laser focus attention on specific destinations, more travelers than ever before are descending on places that can no longer cope with their own popularity.
In the past few years, the number of destinations raising the alarm over this has steadily increased. In 2018, the Oxford English Dictionary made "overtourism," one of its words of the year -- it's defined as an excessive number of visitors heading to famous locations, damaging the environment and having a detrimental impact on resident's lives.
(Joe Minihane. Destination trouble: Can overtourism be stopped in its tracks? CNN. July 2, 2019.)
サザエさん症候群 ― Sunday sadness
(CNN) — Many of us begin to groan and moan as our precious weekend comes to an end. It's not just the interruption of fun with friends and family that triggers the Sunday blues, or what some call the Sunday scaries. It's also anxiety and dread about the workweek to come.
One study found 81% of more than 1,000 respondents said they became progressively more anxious as their restful Sunday came to a close. Psychologists call it "anticipatory anxiety."
Nearly two-thirds reported a restless night's sleep Sunday night, which they attributed to job-related anxiety.
And it's not just because people hate their jobs: Even people who said they love their work reported anxiety over job expectations and workload.
(Sandee LaMotte. Sunday sadness is real. Here's how to battle the pre-workweek blues. CNN. October 27, 2019.)
Sunday sadness
Sunday blues
Sanday scaries
専門的には、"anticipatory anxiety"という用語もあるようですが、記事の趣意は、いわゆる「サザエさん症候群」というのは現実に存在する情動反応であるということのようです。
Fretting over something can trigger our flight-or-fight reflex, which floods the body with adrenaline. Pulse rate and blood pressure rise. Breathing becomes rapid, and the extra oxygen in the brain increases alertness. Blood sugars and other nutrients flood the bloodstream, supplying a boost of energy.
(CNN) — Many of us begin to groan and moan as our precious weekend comes to an end. It's not just the interruption of fun with friends and family that triggers the Sunday blues, or what some call the Sunday scaries. It's also anxiety and dread about the workweek to come.
One study found 81% of more than 1,000 respondents said they became progressively more anxious as their restful Sunday came to a close. Psychologists call it "anticipatory anxiety."
Nearly two-thirds reported a restless night's sleep Sunday night, which they attributed to job-related anxiety.
And it's not just because people hate their jobs: Even people who said they love their work reported anxiety over job expectations and workload.
(Sandee LaMotte. Sunday sadness is real. Here's how to battle the pre-workweek blues. CNN. October 27, 2019.)
Sunday sadness
Sunday blues
Sanday scaries
専門的には、"anticipatory anxiety"という用語もあるようですが、記事の趣意は、いわゆる「サザエさん症候群」というのは現実に存在する情動反応であるということのようです。
Fretting over something can trigger our flight-or-fight reflex, which floods the body with adrenaline. Pulse rate and blood pressure rise. Breathing becomes rapid, and the extra oxygen in the brain increases alertness. Blood sugars and other nutrients flood the bloodstream, supplying a boost of energy.
The White House will order federal agencies to drop their subscriptions to The New York Times and The Washington Post as the administration escalates its battle with the two broadsheets.
“Not renewing subscriptions across all federal agencies will be a significant cost saving — hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will be saved,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday.
The two papers declined to comment when contacted by The Journal, which broke the story.
(Nolan Hicks. White House tells agencies to drop NY Times, Washington Post subscriptions: report. New York Post. October 24, 2019.)
"broadsheet"の原義としては、38 x 61センチの大きな紙を指すようで、これは一般的に我々が新聞と呼ぶ媒体が印刷される紙のサイズです。
The White House will order federal agencies to drop their subscriptions to The New York Times and The Washington Post as the administration escalates its battle with the two broadsheets.
“Not renewing subscriptions across all federal agencies will be a significant cost saving — hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will be saved,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday.
The two papers declined to comment when contacted by The Journal, which broke the story.
(Nolan Hicks. White House tells agencies to drop NY Times, Washington Post subscriptions: report. New York Post. October 24, 2019.)
"broadsheet"の原義としては、38 x 61センチの大きな紙を指すようで、これは一般的に我々が新聞と呼ぶ媒体が印刷される紙のサイズです。
pull strings
A city schools custodial supervisor admitted he pulled strings to get his daughter a summer cleaning job, then boosted her salary and even got her holiday pay she didn’t deserve.
John Mullins said he got his kid hired in 2017 as a $15-an-hour “vacation replacement cleaner,” but changed her job title to “handyperson” to get her a raise to $27.52 an hour, according to a city Conflicts of Interest Board document released Tuesday.
(School custodian admits he pulled strings to hire daughter. New York Post. October 22, 2019.)
pull strings
"pull strings (wires)"もそのような意味で用いられるようではありますが、ここでは、
A city schools custodial supervisor admitted he pulled strings to get his daughter a summer cleaning job, then boosted her salary and even got her holiday pay she didn’t deserve.
John Mullins said he got his kid hired in 2017 as a $15-an-hour “vacation replacement cleaner,” but changed her job title to “handyperson” to get her a raise to $27.52 an hour, according to a city Conflicts of Interest Board document released Tuesday.
(School custodian admits he pulled strings to hire daughter. New York Post. October 22, 2019.)
pull strings
"pull strings (wires)"もそのような意味で用いられるようではありますが、ここでは、
焼身自殺 ― immolation
A man in the throes of a mental crisis doused himself with gasoline in the shadow of the World Trade Center on Tuesday afternoon — an apparent attempt at self-immolation, according to law enforcement sources and officials.
He coated himself with the accelerant a short distance from the sensitive Lower Manhattan site around 4:45 p.m., authorities and sources said.
Police took the man into custody.
(Man douses self in gasoline in apparent self-immolation attempt. New York Post. October 22, 2019.)
A man in the throes of a mental crisis doused himself with gasoline in the shadow of the World Trade Center on Tuesday afternoon — an apparent attempt at self-immolation, according to law enforcement sources and officials.
He coated himself with the accelerant a short distance from the sensitive Lower Manhattan site around 4:45 p.m., authorities and sources said.
Police took the man into custody.
(Man douses self in gasoline in apparent self-immolation attempt. New York Post. October 22, 2019.)
即位礼正殿の儀 ー throne
Japan's Emperor Naruhito has formally proclaimed his ascension to the throne in an elaborate ceremony.
The emperor, 59, officially began his reign in May after the abdication of his father, the then-Emperor Akihito.
But, after a series of traditional rituals inside the imperial palace in Tokyo, his ascension has now been formalised.
The ceremony comes as Japan reels from the effects of Typhoon Hagibis, which left almost 80 people dead.
A celebration parade was postponed out of respect for the victims and their families.
(Naruhito: Japan's emperor proclaims enthronement in ancient ceremony. BBC News. October 22, 2019.)
海外メディアの報道はどれも似たような内容だったのですが、BBC Newsから引用しました。
ascension to the throne
Japan's Emperor Naruhito has formally proclaimed his ascension to the throne in an elaborate ceremony.
The emperor, 59, officially began his reign in May after the abdication of his father, the then-Emperor Akihito.
But, after a series of traditional rituals inside the imperial palace in Tokyo, his ascension has now been formalised.
The ceremony comes as Japan reels from the effects of Typhoon Hagibis, which left almost 80 people dead.
A celebration parade was postponed out of respect for the victims and their families.
(Naruhito: Japan's emperor proclaims enthronement in ancient ceremony. BBC News. October 22, 2019.)
海外メディアの報道はどれも似たような内容だったのですが、BBC Newsから引用しました。
ascension to the throne
共和党でかつて大統領候補としてトランプ氏とも鎬を削ったMitt Romney氏が偽名のツイッターアカウントを持っていたということで話題になっています。
Mitt Romney, the senator from Utah, former Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor, is also, apparently, the man behind a Twitter account that uses the moniker “Pierre Delecto.”
Mr. Romney on Sunday admitted to McKay Coppins, a writer at The Atlantic, that he was responsible for the social media account, which he uses to covertly monitor political discourse and occasionally defend himself. It’s unclear what, if anything, Pierre Delecto is a reference to.
In the Atlantic profile, Mr. Romney admitted to having what he called a “lurker account” — essentially a profile under a different name that he operated in secret to monitor the political conversation. But he declined to divulge the name associated with the account.
The admission spurred curiosity, particularly that of the online newsmagazine Slate.
(Mihir Zaveri. Mitt Romney Admits to Having a Secret Twitter Account. New York Times. October 21, 2019.)
恐らくはSNS上での自身の評判が気になって仕方がなかったのでしょうか、Romney氏は"Pierre Delecto"なる偽名アカウントを使って、時に自身の立場を擁護するような投稿もしていたようです。
lurker account
という意味がありますが、Merriam-Webster Dictionary(オンライン版)では、
to read messages without contributing on an Internet discussion forum (such as a newsgroup or chat room) or social media platform (such as Facebook or Twitter)
Mitt Romney, the senator from Utah, former Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor, is also, apparently, the man behind a Twitter account that uses the moniker “Pierre Delecto.”
Mr. Romney on Sunday admitted to McKay Coppins, a writer at The Atlantic, that he was responsible for the social media account, which he uses to covertly monitor political discourse and occasionally defend himself. It’s unclear what, if anything, Pierre Delecto is a reference to.
In the Atlantic profile, Mr. Romney admitted to having what he called a “lurker account” — essentially a profile under a different name that he operated in secret to monitor the political conversation. But he declined to divulge the name associated with the account.
The admission spurred curiosity, particularly that of the online newsmagazine Slate.
(Mihir Zaveri. Mitt Romney Admits to Having a Secret Twitter Account. New York Times. October 21, 2019.)
恐らくはSNS上での自身の評判が気になって仕方がなかったのでしょうか、Romney氏は"Pierre Delecto"なる偽名アカウントを使って、時に自身の立場を擁護するような投稿もしていたようです。
lurker account
という意味がありますが、Merriam-Webster Dictionary(オンライン版)では、
to read messages without contributing on an Internet discussion forum (such as a newsgroup or chat room) or social media platform (such as Facebook or Twitter)
turn heads
Safety concerns over vaping are “massively overblown” — according to the California congressman who once turned heads when he puffed away during a House committee hearing, a report said.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from Alpine facing federal finance fraud charges, said Monday that he buys his “vape juice” from reputable dealers who aren’t connected to any of the 26 deaths nationwide that have been confirmed as of Friday by federal health officials.
(Joshua Rhett Miller. Congressman notorious for vaping on job admits he still smokes e-cigs. New York Post. October 16, 2019.)
the California congressman who once turned heads when he puffed away during a House committee hearing
というくだりで、"turn heads"という表現に躓いてしまったのですが、理解するまで少し時間がかかってしまいました。
関係代名詞節の先行詞"congressman"が主語となって"turn(ed) heads"と述語が続く訳ですが、よく見れば"turn his head"ではなく、"heads"と複数形であることに着目すべきでした。
つまり、"turn heads"は"turn people's heads"と解釈されるべきもので、これは議員の行動が他の人々の頭を振り向かせた、という意味です。
Safety concerns over vaping are “massively overblown” — according to the California congressman who once turned heads when he puffed away during a House committee hearing, a report said.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from Alpine facing federal finance fraud charges, said Monday that he buys his “vape juice” from reputable dealers who aren’t connected to any of the 26 deaths nationwide that have been confirmed as of Friday by federal health officials.
(Joshua Rhett Miller. Congressman notorious for vaping on job admits he still smokes e-cigs. New York Post. October 16, 2019.)
the California congressman who once turned heads when he puffed away during a House committee hearing
というくだりで、"turn heads"という表現に躓いてしまったのですが、理解するまで少し時間がかかってしまいました。
関係代名詞節の先行詞"congressman"が主語となって"turn(ed) heads"と述語が続く訳ですが、よく見れば"turn his head"ではなく、"heads"と複数形であることに着目すべきでした。
つまり、"turn heads"は"turn people's heads"と解釈されるべきもので、これは議員の行動が他の人々の頭を振り向かせた、という意味です。
our neighbor to the north
(CNN) — Former President Barack Obama on Wednesday tweeted his support for Justin Trudeau, urging Canadians to reelect their Prime Minister in Monday's federal election.
"I was proud to work with Justin Trudeau as President," Obama tweeted. "He's a hard-working, effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change."
He continued, "The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term."
(Caroline Kelly. Obama endorses Trudeau for reelection ahead of Canadian vote. CNN. October 16, 2019.)
our neighbor to the north
コーパスで検索してみると、この"neighbor to the north"は多くの実例がありますが、(米国に対する)カナダというのも多いですが、特にカナダに限定するものでもなく、韓国から見た時の北朝鮮など、相対的な位置関係を反映して用いられる表現でもあります。
ちなみに、"neighbor to south"(これは米国から見たときはメキシコですが)が次に多く見られ、当然というべきか、"neighbor to east"や"neighbor to west"が続きます。
(CNN) — Former President Barack Obama on Wednesday tweeted his support for Justin Trudeau, urging Canadians to reelect their Prime Minister in Monday's federal election.
"I was proud to work with Justin Trudeau as President," Obama tweeted. "He's a hard-working, effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change."
He continued, "The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term."
(Caroline Kelly. Obama endorses Trudeau for reelection ahead of Canadian vote. CNN. October 16, 2019.)
our neighbor to the north
コーパスで検索してみると、この"neighbor to the north"は多くの実例がありますが、(米国に対する)カナダというのも多いですが、特にカナダに限定するものでもなく、韓国から見た時の北朝鮮など、相対的な位置関係を反映して用いられる表現でもあります。
ちなみに、"neighbor to south"(これは米国から見たときはメキシコですが)が次に多く見られ、当然というべきか、"neighbor to east"や"neighbor to west"が続きます。
tooth and nail
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) — that scorekeeper of how federal policies will affect business, the government, and the public at large — has a preliminary report out on how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's proposed drug pricing legislation may affect the federal budget, public health programs, and the drug industry at large.
It's a lot to parse through. Here's one topline takeaway: The CBO estimates the bill (which would allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices with private companies for some of the most expensive drugs) would save the federal program $345 billion between 2023 and 2029.
Now, here's the rub, and why pharmaceutical companies will be fighting tooth-and-nail against the legislation — the preliminary analysis also predicts a major hit to drug firms' bottom lines and innovation in the sector.
"Although CBO has not completed its analysis of the bill’s implications for new-drug development, its preliminary estimate is that a reduction in revenues over the next 10 years of $0.5 trillion to $1 trillion would lead to a reduction of 8 to 15 new drugs coming to market," according to the preliminary analysis.
(Sy Mukherjee. Could Lowering Drug Prices Hamper Drug Innovation?—Brainstorm Health. Fortune. October 14, 2019.)
pharmaceutical companies will be fighting tooth-and-nail against the legislation
ここで使われている、"(fight) tooth-and-nail"というフレーズは、全力で戦う、必死で戦う、という意味です。
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) — that scorekeeper of how federal policies will affect business, the government, and the public at large — has a preliminary report out on how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's proposed drug pricing legislation may affect the federal budget, public health programs, and the drug industry at large.
It's a lot to parse through. Here's one topline takeaway: The CBO estimates the bill (which would allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices with private companies for some of the most expensive drugs) would save the federal program $345 billion between 2023 and 2029.
Now, here's the rub, and why pharmaceutical companies will be fighting tooth-and-nail against the legislation — the preliminary analysis also predicts a major hit to drug firms' bottom lines and innovation in the sector.
"Although CBO has not completed its analysis of the bill’s implications for new-drug development, its preliminary estimate is that a reduction in revenues over the next 10 years of $0.5 trillion to $1 trillion would lead to a reduction of 8 to 15 new drugs coming to market," according to the preliminary analysis.
(Sy Mukherjee. Could Lowering Drug Prices Hamper Drug Innovation?—Brainstorm Health. Fortune. October 14, 2019.)
pharmaceutical companies will be fighting tooth-and-nail against the legislation
ここで使われている、"(fight) tooth-and-nail"というフレーズは、全力で戦う、必死で戦う、という意味です。
投稿 (Atom)